18–20 mai 2020
lien zoom envoyé par mail
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

BAO in the projected cross-correlation of eBOSS DR16 quasars and photometric ELG from the DESI Imaging Surveys

20 mai 2020, 11:30
lien zoom envoyé par mail

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Pauline Zarrouk (ICC Durham University)


In this talk, I will present a work I did (publication under collaboration review) where I measured the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the projected cross-correlation function binned into transverse comoving radius between the SDSS-IV DR16 eBOSS quasars and a dense photometric sample of emission line galaxies selected from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, which enables to constrain the comoving angular distance, $D_{\rm M}$. In order to mitigate the systematics related to the use of different imaging surveys close to the limit of detection to obtain the required photometric sample, we relied on a neural network approach that accounts for complex dependencies between the imaging attributes and the observed galaxy density. I will present a detailed comparison of the performance between this new observable and the standard auto-correlation function of spectroscopic data for BAO measurements and the cosmological constraints we obtained.

Auteur principal

Pauline Zarrouk (ICC Durham University)

Documents de présentation