WP5 monthly meeting 17 February 2020


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

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ESCAPE WP5 Monthly Meeting notes 17 Feb 2020 (draft)

1. Roll call

ASTRON: Zheng Meyer, Christine Werkhoven

CERN: Aristeidis Fkiaras, Riccardo Di Maria, Rizart Dona

CNRS: Enrique Garcia

CSIC: Susana Sanchez, Jose Ramon Rodon

CTAO: Matthias Fuessling

EGO: Pierre Chanial

FAIR: Raffaele Grosso

FAU: Jutta Schnabel

INAF: Stefano Alberto Russo

IFAE: Jordi Delgado Mengual

JIVE: Harro Verkouter

KIS: -

Nikhef: -

RUG: -


UCM: -


2. Last meeting minutes -approved

3. Announcements, news and general updates


  • Submitted 1st year report to WP1

  • Presented ESCAPE WP5 work at CS3 (Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing) workshop

  • Participated in CS3MESH4EOSC project Kick-off meeting

  • Participated in WP4 Tech Forum

  • Developing ESAP API Gateway and UI



  • WP3 - FG2 (technical implementation): There was a presentation from Lars Holm and Jose Benito (CERN) - https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20601/ - about the InvenioRDM platform (the engine running below Zenodo).  The meeting was set to see if this platform could be implemented within the ESCAPE project, and manage the repository part. We are evaluating this powerful tool and how this might be used within ESCAPE.


  • Has hardware available to test MVP or other tools




  • Summer student will be work on the project for two months


  • No additional WP5 activity

  • Participation in WP4 tech forum, shared ideas about CWL usage

  • On WP3 link: coordination of content before Progress Meeting on WP3 integration - session on 26 Fe



  • Developing a prototype for scheduling containerised, interactive jobs on local and remote computing elements

  • Investigated with ASTRON potential integration with ESAP API Gateway


  • Analysing archive database and designing next generation, WP5 compatible database. Experimental pipeline in Python, investigate rewriting using common workflow language.


Nikhef -





  • We will be attending the ESCAPE Progress meeting 26‑27 February. I (Stelios Voutsinas) will be attending the Busy week in ASTRON on the 30th of March. We are continuously working on the areas that we've previously discussed related to WP5 (JupyterHub, Science Platforms with Spark / Kubernetes, Deploying applications with Docker Containers)


4. WP5 ESAP First Busy Week 30 March - 3 April

Participants: Aris, Stellios, Rohini, James, Nico, Zheng

The goal of this busy week is to make the minimum ESAP prototype ready for WP5 developers to further integrate with other services provided by WP5 partners. This is also to validate the ESAP API Gateway design. Nico Vermaas from ASTRON is currently developing the ESAP API Gateway (https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/esap-gateway/wikis/ESAP-gateway). During the busy week, we will

  1. Integrate RUCIO with ESAP API Gateway using RUCIO REST API to demonstrate data staging. 

  2. Search for VO-enabled data through ESAP UI.

After the busy week, a first release of the ESAP minimum prototype will be available for all WP5 developers to try out the prototype and integrate their own service into ESAP.

  • Zheng Meyer-Zhao: Provide Susana Sanchez information about the current developments. It is important to have a document so we can follow the developments to provide feedback and to evaluate

    •  >> See: https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/esap-gateway/wikis/ESAP-gateway NOTE: This is a back-end wiki and it changes daily. All developments are documented.

Stefano Alberto Russo:

What is the outcome of the  first busy week? Can you do a job submission Zheng Meyer-Zhao: We will work on staging first. In the second busy week we want to work on the job submission..

Are the basic API specifications integrated standards or are basics decided case by case? What about the AA tokens? It would be good to have it standardized. Zheng Meyer-Zhao: We will discuss this during the Brussels meeting next week, there are no fixed standards at the moment.

5. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance: 26-30 October @ Pisa

Thanks to Pierre for willing to host the WP5 workshop / F2F meeting.

This workshop is described as the fifth milestone (M5.5) of WP5 in the ESCAPE proposal. The due date is 31 November 2020. We will also use this opportunity to have the WP5 F2F meeting. Since the goal of the workshop is to analyse ESAP performance, all ESCAPE ESFRIs will be invited to participate in the workshop as well.

After discussion, we have the workshop dates fixed, the workshop will take place in the week of Oct 26-30 at EGO near Pisa, Italy. Further information regarding the workshop and WP5 F2F meeting will follow.

  • >>Everyone: Block the dates Oct 26-30 @ Pisa in their calendar for the workshop.

6. ESCAPE Progress meeting 26-27 February , Brussels, BE

Zheng will report about the results and discussion it at the next meeting on March 16.

7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics

  • Pierre Chanial: Plan speaker for 2 March 16:00-17:00 CET

  • Matthias Fuessling: Plan speaker for 30 March 16:00-17:00 CET

8. Round table

Second WP5 Busy week (Hackathon)

When the ESAP minimum prototype is ready for release after the first WP5 busy week (30 March - 3 April), all WP5 developers will be able to use the prototype to integrate their own services into ESAP.

Since there are many different kinds of services we may want to integrate into ESAP, Zheng proposed to organize a second WP5 Busy week (Hackathon) for WP5 developers to meet, discuss and code.

Potential dates for this event are:

  • May 12-15

  • June 9-12

  • July 13-17

  • Sep 7-11

  • Sep 14-18

Let us know via this Form

We are still looking for partners to host this event. Potential location is at INAF. >>Please don't hesitate to let us know if you are willing to host this event

We would like to have the dates and location fixed by the next WP5 Telecon (16 March).

  • >> Everyone: Let us know what is the best date for you/your institute for this event: May 12-15 / June 9-12 / July 13-17 / Sep 7-11 / Sep 14-18: Please use this form: https://forms.gle/dneqmsqryt8udYL36

  • >>Stefano Russo: Investigate if WP5 can host a busy week at INAF

ESCAPE Events overview/calendar


Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 1
      1. Roll call
    • 2
      2. Last meeting minutes


    • 3
      3. Announcements, news and general updates

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      If you are not able to add the information please send the info to werkhoven@astron.nl. We will then add it for you.

      • a) ASTRON
        • Submitted 1st year report to WP1
        • Presented ESCAPE WP5 work at CS3 (Cloud Services
          for Synchronisation and Sharing) workshop
        • Participated in CS3MESH4EOSC project Kick-off meeting
        • Participated in WP4 Tech Forum
        • Developing ESAP API Gateway and UI
      • b) CERN
      • c) CNRS-LAPP

        WP3 - FG2 (technical implementation): There was a presentation from Lars Holm and Jose Benito (CERN) - https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20601/ - about the InvenioRDM platform (the engine running below Zenodo).  The meeting was set to see if this platform could be implemented within the ESCAPE project, and manage the repository part. We are evaluating this powerful tool and how could might be used within ESCAPE.

      • d) CSIC
      • e) CTAO
      • f) EGO
      • g) FAIR
      • h) FAU
        • no additional WP5 activity
        • participation in WP4 tech forum, shared ideas about CWL usage
        • on WP3 link: coordination of content before Progress Meeting on WP3 integration - session on 26 Feb.
      • i) INAF

        - Developing a prototype for scheduling containerised, interactive jobs on local and remote computing elements
        - Investigated with ASTRON potential integration with ESAP API Gateway


      • j) IFAE

        We started writing a draft document of the Data Model for our use case. We are taking the data specs of the Data Level 3 (DL3) from the https://gamma-astro-data-formats.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_storage/index.html (version 0.2)

        The main idea is to describe the data structures to store in the platform, how to store, the relation in between.

      • k) JIVE

        Analysing archive database and designing next generation, WP5 compatible database. Experimental pipeline in Python, investigate rewriting using common workflow language.

      • l) KIS
      • m) Nikhef
      • n) RUG
      • o) SKAO
      • p) UCM
      • q) UEDIN

            ‑ We will be attending the ESCAPE Progress meeting 26‑27 February
           ‑ I (Stelios Voutsinas) will be attending the Busy week in Astron on the 30th of March
           ‑ We are continuously working on the areas that we've previously discussed related to WP5 (JupyterHub, Science Platforms with Spark / Kubernetes, Deploying applications with Docker Containers)


    • 4
      4. WP5 Busy Week - 30 March - 3 April @ ASTRON

      Participants: Aris, Stellios, Rohini, James, Nico, Zheng

      The goal of this busy week is to make the minimum ESAP prototype ready for WP5 developers to further integrate with other services provided by WP5 partners. This is also to validate the ESAP API Gateway design. Nico Vermaas from ASTRON is currently developing the ESAP API Gateway (https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/esap-gateway/wikis/ESAP-gateway). During the busy week, we will

      1. Integrate RUCIO with ESAP API Gateway using RUCIO REST API to demonstrate data staging.  
      2. Search for VO-enabled data through ESAP UI.

      After the busy week, a first release of the ESAP minimum prototype will be available for all WP5 developers to try out the prototype and integrate their own service into ESAP.

    • 5
      5. Second WP5 workshop to analyse prototype performance

      Date: October/November 2020 @Pisa, IT

      Thanks to Pierre for willing to host the WP5 workshop / F2F meeting.

      This workshop is described as the fifth milestone (M5.5) of WP5 in the ESCAPE proposal. The due date is 31 November 2020. We will also use this opportunity to have the WP5 F2F meeting. Since the goal of the workshop is to analyse ESAP performance, all ESCAPE ESFRIs will be invited to participate in the workshop as well.

      After discussion, we have the workshop dates fixed, the workshop will take place in the week of Oct 26-30 at EGO near Pisa, Italy. Further information regarding the workshop and WP5 F2F meeting will follow.




    • 6
      6. ESCAPE Progress meeting 26-27 February , Brussels, BE

      More info about the event: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20203/

    • 7
      7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics

      Decide on topics. Suggestions topics/speaker

      Action points:

      Pierre: speaker for 2 March 16:00-17:00 CET

      Matthias: speaker for 30 March 16:00-17:00 CET

    • 8
      8. Round table

      When the ESAP minimum prototype is ready for release after the first WP5 busy week (30 March - 3 April), all WP5 developers will be able to use the prototype to integrate their own services into ESAP.

      Since there are many different kinds of services we may want to integrate into ESAP, Zheng proposed to organise a seconde WP5 Busy week (Hackathon) for WP5 developers to meet, discuss and code.

      Potential dates for this event are:

      May 12-15

      June 9-12

      July 13-17

      Sep 7-11

      Sep 14-18

      Let us know via this Form

      We are still looking for partners to host this event. Potential locations are:



      Please don't hesitate to let us know if you are willing to host this event

      We would like to have the dates and location fixed by the next WP5 Telecon (16 March).

    • 9
      9. Next meeting - Monday 16 March 2020 - 11:00 AM CET

      Note: The Tech Meeting later today is cancelled