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Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
== ESCAPE WP5 Meeting Notes 14-10-2019 ==
Participants: Michiel van Haarlem (ASTRON), Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON), Aristeidis Fkiaras (CERN), Riccardo Di Maria (CERN), Rizart Dona (CERN), Susana Sanchez (CSIC-IAA), Raffaele Grosso (FAIR), Jutta Schnabel (FAU), Sara Bertocco (INAF), Jordi Delgado (IFAE-PIC), Arpad Szomoru (JIVE), Harro Verkouter (JIVE), Myroslav Kavatsuyk (RUG), Stelios Voutsinas (UEDIN), Hugh Dickinson (OU), Mark Allen (CDS)
1. Announcements, news and general updates
* WP5 will use the ESCAPE RocketChat provided by IT services for communication. Please register at https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/19138/ in order to use this service.
* We had our first WP5 tech meeting presented by Stelios Voutsinas from University of Edinburgh. We will use the ESCAPE project gitlab for all Tech meeting slides and tutorials. Links to the material will be shared soon.
* ESAP MVP core team had a meeting during the ADASS conference. We agreed on the microservice architecture described in the “Detailed Project Plan”. We’ve decided the services into five categories: Dirac+Rucio, Interactive analysis (Jupyter environment), AAI, data query through IVOA interface, and UI+API Gateway development. We will shall more detailed information with all WP members soon.
* SWAN tutorial: Monday 14 October 14:00 - 17:00 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/849014/)
* Rucio Coding Camp (15-17 October): https://indico.cern.ch/event/819753/
* Lots of partners were present at the ADASS+IVOA meeting. The Science Platform BoF was very successful. We also learned many existing Science Platforms, where we can learn from or use as potential prototype.
* Identified work to start with from Task 5.1 Data aggregation and Staging
* Provide user tools to estimate and report data availability. Deploying and investigating Rucio Web Interface at the moment.
* Contribution to the deliverable D5.2
* Working on the use case based on VLA data (use case presented in the Use Case Workshop). The objective is to support the sharing of data/codes according to the FAIR principles. Testing different tools, including some tools from the EOSC environment. These tools can be of interest for the work in WP5. The scientific paper associated to this use case is now published in Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.03420 (It contains an appendix describing the work-in-progress to support the sharing of data/codes according to the FAIR principles)
* Happy to test other tools that are being considered to be part of the ESAP (e.g. Rucio), need to be in contact with CERN people.
* Want to test Rucio. will participate in the SWAN workshop
Establishing focus groups within WP3: They will have first phone meetings during the following weeks. See OpenProject - OSSR for details. The topics are
* collection of software requirements and recommendations
* technical implementation of the software repository
* innovative data analysis workflows
* distributed computing interlinks to the software repository
* developments related to CORSIKA (coordination meeting)
* experimenting with LOFAR, provide HPC resource, work in collaboration with WP4, VO space interface with Rucio
* Working on the use case of loading gamma-ray data in the existing CosmoHub platform here at PIC. The version of this platform applied to Gamma-Ray astronomy will be called GammaHub. For the moment, some data was ingested successfully, and we started playing with some plotting and data visualization tools,but we are still debugging the results obtained with the ingested data.
* We will start working to define which interfaces we need to make GammaHub/CosmoHub part of the ESAP platform. This implies not only to define the web interface for the Gamma-ray use cases, but to think about the A&A, the data storage in the context of the integration on the Data Lake works in WP2 or to think on how to provide the computing power and the rest of Hadoop configurations...
* Aard Keimpema was atSWAN workshop, work in WP 3+4+5 will continue in overlap, have detailed plan already, waiting for the MVP. Great to see other science platforms at ADASS
* Start hiring.
* Presentation & Jupyter Notebook from first Tech meeting will be available on Gitlab
* We’ve been involved in writing the Detailed Project Plan (D5.2) and we plan on continuing to do so until the final version.
* We are experimenting with JupyterHub deployments & have prototypes running at UEDIN. We are looking into deploying on a cluster with Kubernetes & Helm.
*Also looking into creating Notebooks for IVOA (Virtual Observatory) use cases (discovery, access, visualization) & are working on virtualizing the environments (Docker Containers). We would like to then offer these virtualized environments as available options a user can select from. (Github/DockerHub)
* We are currently working on a Spark Cluster which can be run via the JupyterHub interface.
2. Deliverable D5.2: Detailed Project Plan
Ready for review within work package
Reivew Due date: 21 October 2019
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b_Rd2d871qBO-jUqMeoDHaBOLjds9Vk97CKHNs0SjWg/edit?usp=sharing
4. Next meeting: 18 November 11:00-12:00 (CET)
5. Other business