Physique Nucléaire

"Clarification of low spin states in 12C and 16O" Paul Pakpa (Stellenbosch University)

Pistache (Batiment 27)


Batiment 27


The K600 magnetic spectrometer at iThemba LABS has excellent resolution, FWHM ~ 20-40 keV, using up to 200MeV protons from the K200 SSC accelerator. It is capable of zero degree measurements in coincidence with a segmented silicon detector array (CAKE) and gamma ray detectors HPGe and LaBr3 allow for very selective measurements to be performed. This facility was used to pick out very specific states in 12C and 16O and identify their decay modes in excitation energy regions characterised by broad overlapping states. The region of the candidate 6th 0+ state in 16O was investigated revealing a more complex nature than previously anticipated. Carbon-12 was scrutinised using multiple reactions to investigate the region between the Hoyle and its 2+ excitation.