Recently multi-neutron system such as tri- or tetra-neutron states have attracted a lot of interest since it is hoped that these systems will be able to provide valuable information on the T=3/2, Tz=3/2 three-nucleon-force (3NF). Experimental studies on the tri- or tetra-neutron systems are very scarce since there is almost no effective experimental means to access those systems.
Recently Kisamori et al. [1] has reported for the first time a candidate of the tetra-neutron resonance state by the double charge exchange 4He(8He,8Be)4n reaction. The tetra-neutron was observed via the missing energy method. This result induced a renewed interest in tri-neutron system and some experimental efforts [2] are in progress.
In this seminar, present experimental status of tri- and tetra-neutron system will be shown after giving an introduction of 3NF study by our group.