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Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
ESCAPE WP5 videocon Meeting agenda and notes:
1. Roll call - who is there
List of participants:
GSI(FAIR) - Kilian Schwarz
CERN - Aristeidis Fkiars
SKAO - Rosie Bolton
RuG - Johan Messchendorp
FAU(KM3Net) - Jutta Schnabel
IFAE - Manuel Delfino
IFAE - Javier Rico
JIVE - Mark Kettenis
JIVE - Arpad Szomoru
UEDIN - Stelios Voutsinas
UEDIN - Dave Morris
CTAO - Matthias Fuessling
CSIC-IAA - Susana Sanchez Exposito
CSIC-IAA Jose Ramon Rodon Ortiz
UCM - Daniel Nieto (on behalf of Jose Luis Contreras)
2. Status update
- Questionnaire - ESFRI
WP5 sent a use case requirement questionnaire to all ESFRI partners. 11 unique use cases have filled in the questionnaire.
Three categories of questions were asked, namely data property, software, compute & storage.
- WP5 Use Case Requirement Workshop
The WP5 Use Case Requirements workshop was held on 16-17 April 2019 in Groningen, The Netherlands. There are more than 20 participants from WP5 partners and ESFRIs.
During the workshop, ESFRI partners gave short presentations regarding their research facilities and their computing/storage/network requirements. The results of the ESFRI survey were shown to the participants during the workshop. We also invited three speakers to talk about Virtual Observatory (VO) (UEDIN), EOSC service Functions-as-a-Service (Faas) (DESY), and Jupyter Notebook as an interface (JIVE). Several discussion sessions were held to discuss identified ESAP components and the priorities of implementing each of the services.
- M5.1 Report / Deliverable D5.1 (in progress)
The first milestone (M5.1) "workshop summary report" was sent to CNRS-LAPP. The report is basically the introduction section of WP5 first deliverable draft.
The draft of the first deliverable of WP5, D5.1 "Preliminary report on requirements for ESFRI science analysis use cases", has been distributed among ESFRIs that have filled in the questionnaire and workshop participants. After receiving their comments, we will distribute the deliverable to WP5 partners and other ESCAPE work package leaders for review.
The deadline of the deliverable is end of July. We will discuss the contents of the deliverable on 3-4 July in Amsterdam.
3. WP5/WP2 F2F meeting + Deliverable discussion (1-4 July)
The joint WP5/WP2 F2F meeting will be held on 1-3 July in Amsterdam. Registration is now open. When you click on registration, you will be redirected to Eventbrite to buy ticket. It costs 77 Euro, please complete the payment process for registration.
Ron Trompert from SURFsara has the information of who has already registered.
We will send out the F2F meeting agenda soon.
4. Round Table - status update, plan all partners, recruitment
Jutta Schnabel- FAU:
- F2F meeting, yes
- links to WP3 via Kay Graf
- working on KM3NET link with VO
Stellios Katsanevas - UEDIN:
- F2F meeting, yes, Stellios and Dave
- working on link between VO and WP5, focus on VOSpace + Rucio implementation to bridge the gap between WP5 and VO
- experimenting with Spark, we may be able to use it as part of SAP
Dave Morris - UEDIN:
- Mark Allen asked Dave to give an Intro to VO talk at the F2F meeting in July (based on the request from Simona Campana)
- Zheng will check with Simone when will the talk be planned
Kilian Schwarz- FAIR:
- F2F meeting, yes
- Hired one new person to work on WP5
- Working on analysing remote FAIR data with Jupyter notebook
Rosie Bolton - SKAO:
- one new hire to work mainly on WP5, but will also work on WP4 and WP2
- Hasn't done any work for WP5 yet
- F2F meeting yes (Rosie and new Hire)
- Should we have a session on VO implementation in the agenda of the F2F meeting in July?
Susana Sanchez Exposito - CSIC-IAA:
- will contribute to the first deliverable
- F2F meeting, yes, but only for 2-4 July
Javier Rico - IFAE:
- F2F meeting, yes, two people
- working on big data platform, focusing on visualisation and high-level analysis
Aristeidis Fkiaras - CERN:
- Rucio setup
- Bi-weekly meeting of WP2
- after the meeting, WP2 will know what to investigate
- discussing AAI within WP2
Zheng asked Dave regarding AAI development within VO. This is relevant to almost all work packages. Maybe we can have an AAI session during the F2F meeting to coordinate the effort.
Dave: Machine Learning application requires direct access to data
Matthias Fuessling - CTAO:
- hiring process and work plan is onging
- Contribute to WP2 regarding data preservation and metadata
- WP4, contribute to VO, provenance, metadata and multi-messenger, transit, and alert link to WP5
- Nanine for WP2 F2F meeting, someone for WP5
Arpad Szomoru - JIVE:
- WP4, 1 hired Engineer, start after summer 2019
- WP5 and WP3, setup work plans, VLBI list of requirements on data reduction
- WP5, functionality of archive
- F2F meeting, not decided yet, want to see agenda first
Johan Messchendorp - RuG:
- F2F meeting, yes, probably also with someone from RuG-CIT
- have one vacancy on data scientist, but due to internal reorganisation, this may still take half a year to advertise
- share resource with GSI, CIT for WP2
Daniel Nieto - UCM:
- Jose Luis Contreras will be absent in July
- F2F meeting, maybe
- hiring not initiated yet
- working on WP5 T5.1 how to make data available together with CTA
Michiel van Haarlem - ASTRON:
We will send out call for input to WP5 partners soon in terms of F2F meeting agenda. Current suggestion is to have a VO and an AAI session. We would like to distribute the F2F meeting agenda by the end of the week.
The discussions we will have in July F2F meeting will serve as input for the second WP5 deliverable D5.2 "Detailed project plan".
5. Next videocon - early september
Monday 2-3 pm CE(S)T seems to be a reasonable time slot. We will setup a Doodle poll soon to select date of the next videocon.
6. Other topics/questions
Dave: Regarding communication, shall we setup a Slack channel for WP5?
Aris: Kay Graf from WP3 sent out an email regarding IT services, where there is also a chat server we can use.
Aris distributed the link to IT Services -> https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/19138/