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Radiobiological Effects, Epidemiology & Health Impacts: Radiobiological Effects, Epidemiology & Health Impacts
The focus of the studies of ionizing radiation damage has historically been centered on the direct impact on DNA due to the important mutagenic effects, especially at higher doses. This outlook tends to minimize the potential for cellular damage on other macro-molecules responsible for cellular functions such as RNA which share a highly similar structure with DNA and can thus be considered at...
Exposure to ionizing radiation is recognized to increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, while the impacts on adverse birth outcomes are less understood. We undertook a systematic review and a meta-analysis to summarize the epidemiological literature of maternal and paternal exposure to radiation (<5 Gy) and birth outcomes including preterm birth, miscarriage, and low...
In medicine ionizing radiation is used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, it inevitably leads to inadvertent exposure of medical workers to a certain level, especially in the earlier years when equipment was less sophisticated and radiation protection was not stringent so the dose received by the medical staff has been greater.
Many people are or have been exposed to ionizing radiation...
Nowadays, the use of ionising radiations in medical exams is unavoidable: whether for radiology diagnostic or radiotherapy. The use of such radiations is in most cases necessary or benefit for patients but the risks to health for medical staff are not always neglected.
In this study, we review the results of some studies in term of radiation doses received by hospital staff in different...
In order to better describe the biological effects of ionizing radiation, understanding the mechanisms of radiolysis at the molecular scale is a key step. Proteins are by far the most abundant biomolecules in the cell, yet very few studies describe their radiolysis by accelerated ions. The aim of our team is therefore to develop a systematic study of these effects on protein biomolecules, from...
Ionizing radiations are known to have important effects on living organisms, as their energy deposition causes a lot of damages. Studying fundamental chemical mechanisms of the effects of ionizing radiations on biomolecules is crucial to have a better understanding of their radiobiological effects. These ionizing radiations can come from radioactive isotopes, or be used in a therapeutical...