Présidents de session
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents & Risk Communication: Nuclear Power Plant Accidents & Risk Communication
The presence of nuclear plants has been often controversial because of possible health effects on the surrounding populations. In Italy, a total of 9 nuclear plants have been operating, including 4 nuclear power plants which are inactive for many years. The Italian Ministry of Health commissioned a study on the health status of inhabitants of all the 9 municipalities hosting a nuclear plant in...
Detection limit variation against coarse aerosol during airborne contamination measurement with CAM
Grégoire Dougniaux, Gwenaël Hoarau
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PSN-RES, SCA, LPMA, Gif-sur-Yvette, 91192, France
Topic : Environmental Monitoring & Dose Assessment
**Type of presentation:...
Human is continuously exposed to ionizing radiation emitted from natural radioactivity. This later includes the cosmic radiation and the terrestrial radiation from the various radioelements (238U, 235U, and 232Th series) present everywhere in the earth’s crust in varying amounts. This variation depends mainly on geological and geographical conditions and appears at different levels in soils...
Different sites in France and all around the world are contaminated with anthropic radionuclides or technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials (TENORM). The spatial distribution of the radioactivity over these large sites is often totally or partially unknown. One of the main difficulties is to find a good compromise between the precision of the radioactivity...
Neutron detection is still a challenge. In fundamental research the detection of fast neutrons is mainly based on organic liquid scintillators which offer a good neutron- discrimination. This technology which is now more than 50 years old presents main drawbacks as these materials are toxic, corrosive, flammable, explosive, carcinogenic and dangerous for the environment. They will no longer...
In 2019, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) in Japan designated the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Sciences and Technology (QST) as a Core Center for coordinating and guiding four Advanced Radiation Emergency Medical Support Centers in Japan. If a radiation accident occurs in Japan, QST will be the last port of call offering treatment to exposed people.
Radiation damage...
Lung cancer is the most common insidious disease worldwide and is the major cause of death from cancer [1]. Thailand is one of those countries in which lung cancer has been the leading cause of mortality and healthcare burden compared to other cancer types, especially in the northern region [2]. Chiang Mai Province, the capital of Northern Thailand, lung cancer also is one of the most common...
Lung cancer is the most common insidious disease worldwide and is the major cause of death from cancer [1]. Thailand is one of those countries in which lung cancer has been the leading cause of mortality and healthcare burden compared to other cancer types, especially in the northern region [2]. Chiang Mai Province, the capital of Northern Thailand, lung cancer also is one of the most common...