In 1955, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) was established by the United Nations General Assembly to assess and report on the levels, effects and risks of exposure to ionizing radiation for humans and the environment. The Committee is composed today of scientists from 31 Member States of the United Nations.
Its reviews are the scientific basis for national and international recommendations and standards for the protection of people and the environment from ionizing radiation.
The Committee’s programme of work is endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly. The Committee compiles regularly relevant data submitted by United Nations Member States, international organizations and non-governmental organizations, as well as in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, and engages specialists to analyze those data, to study relevant scientific topics and to produce scientific evaluations. These authoritative reviews are published as scientific annexes to the Committee’s report to the United Nations General Assembly.
The Committee’s current programme of work envisages the publication of evaluations on medical, occupational and public exposure. The medical and occupational exposure evaluation are recently finalized, while in 2020, the Committee launched its public exposure evaluation including exposure from natural and artificial sources. This evaluation is intended to be completed by 2024. Also recently, the Committee has finalized its evaluation on biological mechanisms relevant for the inference of cancer risks at low doses and low dose-rates. The outcomes are presented in this conference in a dedicated paper, while this paper will focus on the Committees’ current programme of work and future plans with regard to projects dealing with low dose and low dose rate radiation.
For further information please consult the new published UNSCEAR website [1].
[1]. https://www.unscear.org/unscear/en/index.html