"Hunt for the dark matter with upgraded CMS detector" Chang-Seong Moon
Salle Mondrian (Bat 25)
Salle Mondrian
Bat 25
Searches for dark matter (DM) particles at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are a thriving research field after the discovery of the Higgs boson as there is not yet any evidence for non-gravitational interactions between the DM and Standard Model (SM) particles. If such interactions exist, particles of the DM could be produced at the LHC. Since the DM particles themselves do not produce any signal in the detector, one way to observe them is when they are produced in association with a visible SM particle X(=g, q, γ, Z, W, or h). In this talk, the production of the DM at the LHC resulting from the emission of a jet, top, or photon which couples to the DM is presented. Besides the Compact Framework for Elaborate Algorithms (COFFEA) analysis tools development based on columnar big data techniques for the DM searches is reported.
At the HL-LHC, the CMS experiment will face a harsh environment with an average of 140-200 multiple proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing. The main goal of the phase 2 upgrade of the CMS Level-1 trigger and the MIP Timing Detector (MTD) for the HL-LHC is to maintain overall detector performance. Here, we discuss the improvement of the upgraded CMS detector for HL-LHC.
In addition, current status of development of a tabletop size tracking system for education purpose is presented.