7 mai 2019
Astrophysics Departement-CEA Saclay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Clustering-redshift of DESI ELG targets using cross-correlation with eBOSS tracers

7 mai 2019, 16:50
Astrophysics Departement-CEA Saclay

Astrophysics Departement-CEA Saclay

Orme des Merisiers, Batiment 709 91191 Gif sur Yvette Salle Cassini


Pauline Zarrouk (ICC Durham University)


Emission Line Galaxies (ELG) represent the largest sample of objects DESI will observe in the redshift range 0.6 < z < 1.6. All DESI ELG targets will come from the Legacy Surveys (DECaLS, MzLS, BASS) images collected in the grz system. At this stage, the collaboration is still testing the target selection algorithms to ensure that the official baseline for ELG meets the requirements, in particular in terms of the expected redshift distribution.
I have started a project whose aim is to apply the clustering-redshift technique to infer the redshift distribution of the DESI ELG photometric sample using cross-correlations with eBOSS LRG and quasars. In this talk, I will present an update of this project.

Auteur principal

Pauline Zarrouk (ICC Durham University)

Documents de présentation