14–16 oct. 2009
IWH Heidelberg
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Meeting of the GDR Terascale in Heidelberg It is organized by the GDR and the Institut fuer Theoretische Physik of Heidelberg University as a regional meeting on New Physics at the TeV scale. Start of the meeting: Wednesday Oct 14, 10:00 End   of the meeting: Friday    Oct 16, 16:00 Location: IWH Heidelberg The meeting is structured around 4 topics: 1) Higgs and Supersymmetry    coordinated by: Jean-Loic Kneur, Remi Lafaye, Fabio Maltoni,                    Margarete Muehlleitner (quasi-local) and Patrice Verdier 2) Alternatives to Supersymmetry    coordinated by: Fabienne Ledroit, Kentarou Mawatari (local), Gregory Moreau and Geraldine Servant 3) Dark Matter    coordinated by: Gianfranco Bertone, Emmanuel Moulin and Tilman Plehn (local) 4) Tools    coordinated by: Sabine Kraml, Steve Muanza and Steffen Schumann (local) The GDR is a forum for open and informal exchange between theorists and experimentalists. We encourage younger researcher to present their work in Heidelberg and will try to accomodate as many junior presentations as possible. Please contact the coordinators if you would like to give a talk! Registration will be opened on September 1 and limited to 60 people (first come, first served). Further information and registration (Sept 1) clic on registration form in the left column and you may consult the GDR Terascale Website Instructions for the reimbursement of travel and per diem for members of French labs have be sent to the terascale-l mailing list (mail August 28). Younger German participants can informally apply for financial help with the Heidelberg group. Unfortunately we will have to wait till the end of the workshop to compute the exact amounts available. Fees: the event is fully sponsored by the Exzellenzinitiative of Heidelberg University. Lunch on Wednesday (Oct 14) and Friday (Oct 16) as well as a buffet dinner on Thursday evening (Oct 15) are free. Accommodation: The IWH is located in the city centre of Heidelberg so there are plenty of hotels in walking distance. The offical booking site of Heidelberg city you can find here There are a few hotels we'd like to recommend especially: Hotel Ritter in the very centre of town, Website Hotel Hackteufel, close to the old bridge, Website Hotel Kornmarkt which is pretty close to the IWH and somewhat cheaper, Website Hotel Goldene Rose, Website Hotel Denner, Website . Hotel Kohler, Website . The low-budget hostel Sudpfanne, Website .
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IWH Heidelberg