28–30 nov. 2018
Joint Research Center - European Commission
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Le thême 'nicecompact' n'existe pas.

The workshop aims at presenting preliminary results from the first nu-ball experimental campaign at IPN Orsay on gamma-ray spectroscopy for both fundamental and applied studies.

There will be discussion of data analysis progress and techniques, and presentation of ideas for experiments in a potential future experimental campaign. The workshop is a follow-up to previous workshops held at the National Physical Laboratory (UK) in 2015 and at the IPN Orsay (France) in 2016.

Future opportunities for exploitation will include possibilities for a hybrid spectrometer combining high resolution Germanium detectors with other types of detector (e.g. FATIMA, PARIS, etc.)

In order to enhance the workshop’s potential for high-quality networking, experts are invited to attend and participation of postdoctoral fellows and PhD students, who wish to present their work, is encouraged. There is no workshop registration fee.

NU-BALL 2 is co-organized by JRC-Geel-G.2 (Belgium),  IPNO (Orsay, France) and University of Surrey (Surrey, United Kingdom).


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Joint Research Center - European Commission
European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre Directorate G on Nuclear Safety and Security, Unit G.2 Retieseweg 111 B-2440 Geel Belgium