New physics signals with displaced vertices have attracted the recent attention of the collider community (theoretical and experimental). In this talk, we will describe how a model of non-sterile right-handed neutrinos with masses being proportional to the electroweak scale (~246 GeV) naturally gives rise to long-lived particles with displaced vertices as characteristic signals. An interesting...
Recent re-evaluations of antineutrino spectrum emitted by nuclear reactor have led to the observation of a ~7% deficit in neutrino flux at short distance from reactors with respect to predictions. This deficit, known as the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA), could be the signature of an oscillation of antineutrino towards a light sterile neutrino with a mass scale of 1eV. However, it is not...
DANSS is a one cubic meter highly segmented solid scintillator detector.
It consists of 2500 scintillator strips (100x4x1 cm3), covered with
gadolinium loaded reflective coating and read out with SiPMs via wave length
shifting fibers. Groups of 50 strips are also read out by conventional
PMTs. DANSS is placed under a 3 GW industrial reactor at the Kalinin NPP (Russia) on a movable platform....
Borexino as the leading liquid-scintillator-based low background experiment has given opportunities for a vast number of physics programs. After extensive water extraction campaign during 2011, the purity of liquid scintillator is even better. With 1291.51 days of Borexino Phase-II data collected since then, we performed for the first time a global fit and simultaneous measurement of...
Ultrahigh energy (UHE) neutrinos may serve as important messengers that give us useful information about the origin of the Universe. Knowledge of UHE neutrino interaction cross sections is a necessary ingredient in any UHE neutrino measurement. A study of UHE neutrino-nucleon cross sections would also allow us to explore strong interactions at incredibly high energies. In this talk, I review...