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The DIRAC@IN2P3 Project meeting to review the progress in various activities
DIRAC@IN2P3 meeting
+ budget : 6k euros arrived and is available at CPPM
DIRAC Update
+ usual series of patches, one patch per week
+ V6r20 is in certification phase, slow because many developments at CERN and people are busy
+ CentOS7 - still no coherent middleware package, many issues, with gfal2 in particular
Chris tries to recompile everything from source, but really not straightforward
+ DIRAC workshop very soon at CC-IN2P3
idea of a tutorial on the TransformationSystem
-> good idea, for users and for us to improve on documentation, standard tutorial, etc...
-> need to work on it from now to have a real hands on session
+ DIRAC4EGI has been officially launched
new communities come in with users to register, new apps to setup
new engineer shall arrive soon, either April 1st or May 1st
wanted to hire 2 people, Andrei found only one so far
one person from Cyfronet will join the effort
+ Ecole au Vietnam
LUPM director organize a school in Vietnam
proposal to have a DIRAC course
Andrei underlines the fact that DIRAC by itself is not really interesting for students that do not have a direct use case, it would be better to have a more general big data/parallel computing course. Hands on, tutorials are difficult to setup in Hanoi for infrastructure issues.
Andrei had contacts with IFI
+ Missing files at CNAF
if just one file missing, option to let the job start anyway, file remains unused
no tool to remove files just from the catalogue
+ DIRAC acknowledgement
Andrei to see with agent valorisation CNRS
find a good formula to put in all papers
OBELICS catalogue of services
DIRAC4EGI service or DIRAC software ?
to be prepared for EGI anyway, just
MetaQuery, TransformationSystem and ProductionSystem
New ProductionSystem integrated to the CTA Dirac setup
in order to test it in a production context
needed a few patches to Transformation cli and db
Basic tests done : create, remove, list associated transformations
Work to be done on Production monitoring
Meta Query matching
Plan is to get something good enough to be presented to the community
-> DIRAC request for comments
-> discussion at DIRAC user workshop
Andrei question on the web interface
-> no real thoughts about it yet
-> look into the Web interface of LHCb production system
Pierre got back on his paper
need for new feedback
Discussion on simplifying the DIRAC client installation
Pierre would like to reduce the externals for the client
Andrei mentions it's already reduced w.r.t. the server
work on-going, but no simple solution
pip install dirac - example config file exists on github
Andrei goes to a conference in Taipei
presents management of heteregenous resources
HPT/HTC/Clouds etc...
with proceedings !