Le Projet Lutétium est un projet vidéo à la rencontre de la recherche expérimentale, de la médiation scientifique, et des arts musical et graphiques. Via sa chaîne YouTube, il vise à faire découvrir par des expériences visuelles des sujets de recherche actuels et peu communs en communication grand public. Pour l'événement, une présentation du Projet accompagné de projections de vidéos...
In Eukaryotes, DNA is wound around the histone core octamer to form the basic chromatin unit, the nucleosome. Atomic resolution structures have been obtained
from crystallography and single particle cryoEM, with identical reconstituted particles. However, native nucleosomes are diverse in DNA sequence and histone content, and the conformational variability of native nucleosomes remains to be...
The bacterial genome is organized by a variety of associated proteins inside a structure called the nucleoid. These proteins can form complexes on DNA that play a central role in various biological processes, including chromosome segregation. A prominent example is the large ParB-DNA complex, which forms an essential component of the segregation machinery in many bacteria. ChIP-Seq experiments...