11–15 juin 2018
Physicum, University of Helsinki
Fuseau horaire Europe/Helsinki

Collider and gravitational wave signatures of the electroweak phase transition in the standard model effective field theory

13 juin 2018, 15:30
D101 (Physicum)




Mikael Chala (IPPP Durham)


We explore new-physics setups that at low energy exhibit a Higgs potential with sizeable higher-dimensional operators. We focus on the parameter regions promoting a first-order electroweak phase transition (FOEWPT). For weakly-interacting setups, we find that such regions are always tuned when the operators receive contributions from integrating out SU(2)_L singlets or triplets. The reason is the emergence of other operators that are naturally unavoidable and strongly experimentally constrained. The custodial quadruplet extension we propose, instead, does not suffer of this problem. We also analyse strongly interacting setups for which dimension- eight operators need to be considered. In this context we compute for the first time the parameters leading to a FOEWPT. We estimate the reach of LISA for probing all these low-energy scenarios and compare it with the capabilities of the Higgs measurements at current and future colliders. For some parameter regions, LISA can prove the existence of new physics before colliders.

Auteurs principaux

Mikael Chala (IPPP Durham) Dr Claudius Krause Dr Germano Nardini

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.