Pierre Binétruy: from theory to strategy of discovery

Amphi Buffon (APC-Université Paris Diderot)

Amphi Buffon

APC-Université Paris Diderot


This conference is organized in memory of Pierre Binétruy (1955-2017) by his colleagues and friends to honor his many contributions, from particle physics and supersymmetry to cosmology and gravitation. In addition to seeking scientific truth, he had the courage to organize the community for the scientific goals that this truth imposes,and also to fight within the institutions to defend them: from the leadership of the French and European Supersymmetry Research Group (GDR) to the founding of the Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology Laboratory and to the organisation of  the French participation to the space mission Lisa. In order to honour both aspects of his activity this conference will present Pierre's scientific achievements as well as personal recollections.

  • Agata Trovato
  • Alain Laverne
  • Alain Monnier
  • Alessandra Tonazzo
  • Alexis Helou
  • Andrea Goldwurm
  • Andrzej Sloma
  • Angela V. Olinto
  • Anne Lemiere
  • Annie Binétruy
  • Antoine Klein
  • Antoine Kouchner
  • Antoine Petiteau
  • Antonio Masiero
  • Arache Djannati-Atai
  • Arthur Schaffer
  • Arthur Sueiro
  • Asmaa Abada
  • Atreyee Sinha
  • Bernard Andrieu
  • Bernard Whiting
  • Berrie Giebels
  • Bijan Saghai
  • Brigitte Rocca Volmerange
  • Catherine Nguyen
  • Charles-Joseph Naim
  • Christian Binétruy
  • Christian Olivetto
  • Christophe Ochando
  • Christos Charmousis
  • Constantin Bachas
  • Cristina Volpe
  • Cyrille Rosset
  • Cécile Cavet
  • Cédric Deffayet
  • Daniel Décamp
  • Daniel FOURNIER
  • Daniel Vignaud
  • David Langlois
  • Davide Franco
  • Dirk Zerwas
  • Dominic Beck
  • Dominique Marc
  • Dominique Schiff
  • Ed Porter
  • Edouard Lecoq
  • Eleni Chatzichristou
  • Elias Kiritsis
  • Emilian Dudas
  • Eric Aubourg
  • Eric Bréelle
  • Fabian Schussler
  • Fabienne Casoli
  • Fabio Zwirner
  • Fabrice Desse
  • Fabrice Hasovic
  • Fawzi Boudjema
  • Federico Piazza
  • Francesco Nitti
  • Francis Halzen
  • Francois Vannucci
  • Francoise Virieux
  • François Delduc
  • François Lebrun
  • François Richard
  • Frédéric Lamy
  • George Smoot
  • georges girardi
  • Geraldine Servant
  • Gerard Auger
  • Gia Dvali
  • Gilbert Moultaka
  • Gregorio Bernardi
  • Guillaume Blanc
  • Guillaume Faye
  • Guillaume Patanchon
  • guy Wormser
  • Hagop Sazdjian
  • Hubert Halloin
  • Ignatios Antoniadis
  • Ilarion Pavel
  • Iosif Bena
  • Irena Nikolic
  • Jacques Dumarchez
  • Jacques Haissinski
  • Jacques Lefrançois
  • Jacques Paul
  • Jean Iliopoulos
  • Jean Orloff
  • Jean-Bernard Zuber
  • Jean-François Grivaz
  • Jean-Jacques Aubert
  • jean-loup puget
  • Jean-Luc Robert
  • Jean-Pierre DIDELEZ
  • Jean-Pierre Leroy
  • Jihad Mourad
  • Joel Mabillard
  • Jonathan Ellis
  • Josquin Errard
  • João de Mello Neto
  • Juan Garcia-Bellido
  • Julien Serreau
  • Junkang Li
  • Jérémy Neveu
  • Karim Noui
  • Laurent Duflot
  • Laurent Sacco
  • Louis Fayard
  • Luc Blanchet
  • Luc Poggioli
  • Luc Valentin
  • Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
  • Marc Knecht
  • marc moniez
  • Marco Cirelli
  • Marie Jacquet
  • Marie Verleure
  • Marie-Elisabeth Maury
  • Martin Bucher
  • Martine Mouchet
  • Mary K Gaillard
  • Matteo Barsuglia
  • Matthieu Laporte
  • Mauro Pieroni
  • Maxim Khlopov
  • Michel Alba
  • Michel Cribier
  • michel fontannaz
  • Nicolas Busca
  • Olivier Pene
  • Osmin Lacombe
  • Paolo Goldoni
  • Patrice Jano
  • patrick laurieux
  • philippe brax
  • Philippe Schwemling
  • Pierre Fayet
  • Pierre Ramond
  • Pierre SALATI
  • Radek Stompor
  • Ren-Jie Wang
  • Reynald Pain
  • Richard Grimm
  • Robert Coquereaux
  • Robert Mochkovitch
  • Robi Peschanski
  • Sandrine Emery-Schrenk
  • Santiago Pita
  • Simon Nelson
  • Sophie Trincaz-Duvoid
  • Sotiris Loucatos
  • stavros katsanevas
  • Stefan Pokorski
  • Stefano Vitale
  • stephane colonges
  • Stéphane Lavignac
  • Stéphane Schanne
  • Thierry Binetruy
  • Thomas Binetruy
  • Thomas Palychata
  • Thomas Schucker
  • Traudl Kozanecki
  • Ulrich Ellwanger
  • Ursula Bassler
  • Vincent Boudry
  • Vincent Vennin
  • Volker Beckmann
  • Xuesong Liu
  • Yann Mambrini
  • Yannick Giraud-Héraud
  • Yassin Rany Khalil
  • Yifan Chen
  • Yves Charon
  • Yves Sirois
    • 09:00 09:30
      Talk 30m
    • 09:30 10:00
      Talk 30m
    • 10:00 10:30
      Talk 30m
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:00 11:30
      Talk 30m
    • 11:30 12:00
      Talk 30m
    • 12:00 12:30
      Talk 30m
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 14:30
      Talk 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      Talk 30m
    • 15:00 15:30
      Talk 30m
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee 30m
    • 16:00 16:10
      Talk 10m
    • 16:10 16:20
      Talk 10m
    • 16:20 16:30
      Talk 10m
    • 16:30 16:40
      Talk 10m
    • 16:40 16:50
      Talk 10m
    • 16:50 17:00
      Talk 10m
    • 17:00 17:05
      Talk 5m
    • 17:05 17:10
      Talk 5m
    • 17:10 17:15
      Talk 5m
    • 17:15 17:20
      Talk 5m
    • 17:20 17:25
      Talk 5m
    • 17:25 17:30
      Talk 5m
    • 17:30 17:35
      Talk 5m
    • 17:35 17:40
      Talk 5m
    • 17:40 17:45
      Talk 5m
    • 17:45 17:50
      Talk 5m
    • 17:50 17:55
      Talk 5m
    • 17:55 18:00
      Talk 5m
    • 18:00 18:05
      Talk 5m
    • 18:05 18:10
      Talk 5m
    • 18:10 18:15
      Talk 5m
    • 18:15 18:20
      Talk 5m
    • 18:20 18:25
      Talk 5m
    • 18:25 18:30
      Talk 5m
    • 09:00 09:45
      Future of Particle Physics 45m
    • 09:45 10:15
      Organising discovery , the case of SUSY and Dark matter 30m
    • 10:15 11:00
      Future of Cosmology 45m
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 11:30 12:00
      Organising discovery , the case of Dark Energy 30m
    • 12:00 12:30
      Future of Gravitational waves on ground 30m
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 14:30
      Future of Gravitational waves in space 30m
    • 14:30 15:15
      Future of Astroparticle Physics 45m
    • 15:15 15:45
      Future of Interdisciplinarity between Astroparticle Physics and Geoscience 30m
    • 15:45 16:15
      Coffee 30m
    • 16:15 16:45
      Future of Teaching using new technologies 30m
    • 16:45 17:15
      Future of the convergence between art et science 30m
    • 17:15 17:30
      Remembering Pierre 15m