Recent developments in jet clustering - Matteo Cacciari - LPTHE
LPNHE, Jussieu Tour 33 RdC, salle bernard Grossete
LPNHE, Jussieu Tour 33 RdC, salle bernard Grossete
Didier Lacour
I will present work in progress with Gavin Salam on a modern approach to
jet-finding in high multiplicity environments. I will first briefly
compare the two main kinds of jet-finders: cone algorithms and
recombination algorithms, highlighting pros and cons of the original
formulations and implementations. I will also briefly discuss a seedless
infrared-safe cone jet-finder recently introduced by Salam and Soyez.
I will then present our fast implementation for the kt and
Cambridge/Aachen jet finders. It is based on geometrical methods and it
can cluster N particles in N ln N time. The speed of the code allows one
to extend the scope of jet-finding: I'll show how one can define the
concept or "area" of a jet and use it for performing a subtraction of a
uniform background.