Feb 23, 2007
Apr 20, 2007
Contact info
Rooms have been reserved at the "URBAN HOTEL" located close to KEK. 2-1-2, Tsukuho, Tsukuba city, Ibaraki 300-3257 Phone 81 (0) 29 877 0001 Fax: 81 (0) 29-877-0700 The reserved rooms are single of type C for 7875 Yen per night. The other types of room are not available. KEK International Office has kindly proposed to carry out the reservations for you. Email your request to: Please note that although the dead-line for registration has been set April 20th, this period in the year is very busy and the requests will be handled in a first come first served basis. The KEK guest house has been reserved in priority to KEK members and is not open for the workshop members.
Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.