During the past years there has been a lot of preparatory work in view of the launching of a Paris Institute of Data Science (PIDS). PIDS will profit from the unique gathering and interaction of mathematics/informatics groups and science groups traditionally strong in the domain (e.g. physicists and geoscientists) with groups in bioinformatics and health, social sciences and the digital humanities. PIDs will be a hub of interdisciplinary expertise accelerating the interaction and “sprints” between data providers and data experts, pointing to disciplinary expertise inside the campus but also a place of autonomous research and development of interdisciplinary tools for data science. PIDS will furthermore be catalyst for the creation of new courses on data science either in the traditional form or using new media as well as the coming together and coherent merging of the computing platforms around the campus. PIDS will finally be a place of interaction with similar efforts in France, Europe and the world, and in particular with the Berkeley Institute for Data Science.