3rd meeting of ApPIC

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Draft minutes
    • 09:00 10:00
      ApPIC mandate, overview, history 1h
      Orateur: Michel Spiro
    • 10:00 11:00
      APIF report and status 1h
      Orateur: Michael Turner
    • 11:00 12:00
      Consolidate progress to date 1h
      - High Energy Multi-messenger astronomy: balanced approach with an open data policy - Open data policy: how to make the message better known? joint approach with ICFA? - Neutrinos: diversity of appraoches: how to encourage cross-communication?
    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch 1h
    • 13:00 15:00
      Future of ApPIC 2h
      - What is the strategy going forward? - Other topics for development? - Re-appointments and appointments
      Orateur: Nathalie Roe