Krijn De Vries (IIHE, Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Radio emission from high-energy particle cascades
Salle des Séminaires (1222-RC/SB-08) (LPNHE)
Salle des Séminaires (1222-RC/SB-08)
When a high-energy cosmic ray interacts with our atmosphere, a particle cascade is induced. Neutrinos on the other hand are able to traverse our atmosphere and interact inside more dense media such as ice or rock. At the highest energies, the flux of these particles is very low and a large detection volume is needed. Due to its long attenuation length, the radio detection technique is a very promising method to detect these particles.
The radio emission from high-energy particle cascades in air, ice, or traversing between different media will be discussed from a macroscopic point of view. This is done by investigating the emission due to a net relativistic charge cloud, which gives rise to Askaryan emission, as well as the emission from a net current induced in the cascade front. Different effects on the emission will be discussed such as Cherenkov effects and transition radiation. Finally, we discuss some recent experimental results which test our understanding of the radio emission mechanisms.