Angela Romano
(School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham, United Kingdom)
04/08/2016 09:45
The K+->pi+nunu decay is one of the theoretically cleanest meson decay where to look for indirect effects of new physics complementary to LHC searches. The new experimental setup used by the NA62 experiment at CERN SPS since 2014 is designed to measure the branching ratio of this decay with 10% precision. NA62 took data with the new setup in 2014, 2015 and 2016. The quality of data acquired in...
Makoto Miura
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo Hida, Japan)
04/08/2016 10:45
One of general feature of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) is their prediction of the instability of nucleons by baryon number violating decays. Therefore, nucleon decay search is one of keys to open new door beyond the Standard Model.The Super-Kamiokande detector is the best detector to search for nucleon decays. In this talk, I'll report the latest results from Super-Kamiokande.
Sotahro Kanda
(The University of Tokyo,Tokyo, Japan)
04/08/2016 13:00
Muonium is a hydrogen-like atom consisting of a positive muon and an electron. Precision spectroscopy of its ground state hyperfine splitting (HFS) is the most rigorous test of bound-state QED and the most precise determination of the muon mass. At J-PARC, MuSEUM collaboration intends to improve the precision of muonium HFS by one order of magnitude relatively to the most recent experiment. In...
Kim Siang Khaw
(Physic Department, Physics and Astronomy, University of Washington Seattle, USA)
04/08/2016 13:45
The new Muon g-2 experiment (E989) at Fermilab aims to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of muon, aµ, to an unprecedented precision of 140 parts per billion. The basic principles of the experiment are to store a muon beam in a ring magnet and to detect the decay positrons with calorimeters installed around the ring. Two key values needed for the extraction of aµ are the anomalous...
Benjamin Krikler
(Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom)
04/08/2016 14:45
Observing Charged Lepton Flavour Violation would be a clear sign of physics Beyond the Standard Model. The COMET experiment is one of a handful hoping to measure such a process with an intense muon beam. COMET will search for COherent Muon to Electron Transitions, where a muon converts to an electron in the presence of an atomic nucleus without neutrino emission.
Currently under...
Michael Hasinoff
(Dept of Physics & Astronomy University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada)
04/08/2016 15:30
The TREK (E36) collaboration has performed a precision measurement of the branching ratio, RK = Γ(K+ → e+ + νe)/Γ(K+ → μ+ + νμ) to test lepton universality and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model(SM). The SM prediction is extremely precise, (2.477 ± 0.001) × 10−5, and any deviation from this value would clearly indicate the existence of New Physics beyond the SM. A recent SUSY...