We are pleased to announce that the Workshop to discuss the proposals to be submitted to the next PAC for the AGATA campaign at GANIL using the NEDA/NWALL setup will take place in GANIL on February 9-12th, 2016.
The aim of this Workshop is to present and discuss the proposals that will be submitted in Spring 2016 to the GANIL PAC.
LoI for the future campaign with VAMOS in gas-filled mode will be also discussed.
AGATA LoI for the future campaign with SPIRAL1 beams will be discussed in a satellite workshop dedicated to the SPIRAL1 physics program at GANIL . This meeting will take place just before the AGATA workshop, on 8th to 9th, noon to noon, in GANIL. Further details will be given.
The LoI for all the above mentioned AGATA setups, including those using SPIRAL1 beams must be submitted to the Campaign spokesperson before January 18th 2016.
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