5–7 oct. 2015
St Charles Campus, Université Aix-Marseille
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
This workshop is envisaged to bring together theorists and experimentalists working on b to s transitions. One focus will be on less explored channels for the LHC and future experiments, for example lepton flavour violating channels and tau final states. However it is essential that one also discusses the latest status of the anomalies in the more standard channels, and theoretical developments which could explain these both in the standard model and beyond. There will be plenty of time for discussion.
Commence le
Finit le
St Charles Campus, Université Aix-Marseille
Salle Conference 1
3 Place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille

We will begin after lunch on Monday to allow people to travel in the morning. There will be a workshop dinner on Tuesday evening and we will conclude on Wednesday after lunch.

For a map of the campus see here

For a link to Google maps see here