Enrico Conti (INFN Padova): Microwave radiation emitted by Extended Air Showers
Amphi Charpak (LPNHE)
Amphi Charpak
The emission of microwave radiation (in the frequency range 1 MHz-10 GHz) from Extended Air Showers (EAS) produced by cosmic rays impinging on the Earth atmosphere has been investigated since about 1960, because it could be an effective means to detect EAS.
In this talk I present our recent experimental investigation about the radiation emitted by a 100 keV electron beam in air. Our measurements can be interpreted as incoherent bremsstrahlung radiation from the electrons during their slowdown. We extrapolated our results to higher energies by means of a detailed MonteCarlo simulation.
I discuss these results also in relation to other known emission mechanisms of MW radiation, and show that such emission might be exploited for the detection of 1 TeV EAS at 10 GHz.