14–21 mars 2015
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

One-loop effective non-linear Lagrangian with a light H-boson

17 mars 2015, 19:58
YSF (Young Scientists Forum) Theory Young Scientist Forum 2


M. Kirill Kanshin (INFN Padova/ University of Padova)


We perform the off‐shell one loop renormalization of the chiral effective Lagrangian for a light (composite) Higgs particle up to four derivatives, based on a non‐linear realization of the $SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ gauge symmetry. We consider the full would‐be Goldstone bosons and Higgs sector of the Lagrangian. As a result of off shell renormalization chiral non-invariant divergences appear. We have demonstrated how these divergences can be removed by field redefinitions and therefore proved that they have no impact on physical observables.

Auteurs principaux

Mlle Belen Gavela (Madrid autonoma Univ.Spain) M. Kirill Kanshin (INFN Padova/ University of Padova) Pedro Machado (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

Documents de présentation