Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.

Barbara Comis (LPSC), "Cosmology with clusters of galaxies and their SZ signal"

1222-RC/SB-08 (LPNHE)




As  the  last  step  of  the  hierarchical  structure  formation  process,  clusters  of  galaxies represent  the  largest  gravitationally  bound  objects  that  we  can  observe  in  our  Universe.  Since they  formed  all  along  the  cosmic  history,  they  contain  plenty  of  information  about  the  evolution of  our  Universe,  and  can  then  provide  a  strong  tool  for  cosmological  investigation, complementary to CMB.

Clusters are dominated by dark matter (85% of their total masses), while most of their baryons are present as a diffuse gas, the Intra‐Cluster Medium (ICM), which is hot (106-108 K) and completely ionized due to the incredibly high masses characterizing this kind of structures (1013-1015 MSun ). At  these temperatures  the  ICM  electrons  Compton  inverse  interact  with CMB photons producing the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect (a distortion of the CMB spectrum at the cluster position). Even if it is a faint, challenging signal to detect (ΔTCMB/TCMB~10‐4), the SZ  signal  is  not  affected  by  the  cosmological  dimming,  potentially  pushing  cluster  detection  at higher redshift.

In  the  last  years  SZ  survey  dedicated  instrument  (Planck,  ACT,  SPT)  have  finally  been  able  to produce SZ selected catalogues containing several hundreds of clusters.  And in fact clusters and their  SZ  signal  are  becoming  increasingly  used  to  derive  cosmological  constraints.  However cluster  derived  cosmology  is  limited  by  our  ability  to  translate  cluster  observables  into  mass estimates and tracers of the matter distribution within them. A deeper study of the scatter that the  details  of  cluster  morphology  and  astrophysics  might  introduce  around  the  average behaviours  is  then  mandatory.  In  particular  we  need  to  investigate  how  this  scatter  is  related  to cluster morphology, if there is any redshift evolution.

As  a  member  of  both  the  Planck  and  the  NIKA  collaborations, I will present the recent SZ results  that  both  the  instruments  have  been  able  to  produce.  In  particular  I  will  discuss  how their  complementarity,  especially  in  terms  of  angular  resolution,  can  be  used  to  address  the systematics that at present limit cluster(SZ)-derived cosmology.
