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Annual meeting of activity of GDR-PH-QCD Groupe 2 (http://lpsc.in2p3.fr/GDR-PH-QCD/PEL.html). This meeting aims to gather experimentalists and theoreticians around subjects of interest for the physics at the future facility FAIR, with antiproton beams in the GeV energy range...and not only: - Electromagnetic hadron form factors in the space-like AND time-like regions - Feasibilty studies of the reactions pbar p =>l+ + l- (l=lepton) and pbar p =>e+ + e- +pi0 (extraction of form factors, TDA, reaction mechanisms) - the annihilation reactions induced by antiproton on nuclei - the reactions e++e- => p+pbar et n+nbar, J/psi production.. - nucleon models - ... The mornings will be dedicated to talks, the afternoons to working groups, round tables and discussions on concrete developments. Special session is devoted to the presentations of young scientists.
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IPN Orsay, Bat 100
Salle des Conseils
IPN Orsay, Bat 100 15, Rue G. Clemenceau 91406 Orsay, France