Niall Macpherson - G-structures for AdS2 and new solutions with N=6 supersymmetry
DrNiall Macpherson(Oviedo Univ.)
I will review the recent classification of minimally supersymmetric AdS2 solutions of type II supergravity in terms of G-structures which provides necessary, sufficient and purely geometric conditions for supersymmetry. Together with an earlier work focused on d=11, this puts AdS2 on the same geometric footing as its higher dimensional AdS counterparts and provides powerful tools for the construction of many backgrounds of physical interest. Examples include: black-hole near horizon geometries, holographic duals to superconformal quantum mechanics and duals to conformal defects in higher dimensional CFTs.
I will explain how these G-structure conditions may also be leveraged to construct solutions with extended supersymmetry and will provide some examples in this vein. Amongst these my main focus will be on recently constructed solutions preserving N=6 supersymmetry in massive type IIA and their dual description as well as a broad class in type IIB whose local form can be expressed in terms of 2 holomorphic functions.