From 09:00 on Monday, the 3rd of December, to 18:00 on Tuesday, the 4th of December
We are glad to present the Tagp2012, the fifth of a series of conferences TAG06, TAG08, TAGp2010, TAGp2011.
This event aims at bringing in contact people from different domains (physics, mathematics, biology, computer science) concerned with various theoretical and experimental aspects of the genome and of the proteins. TAGp2012 will focus on
The TAGp participants cover a large spectrum of skills and expertises. They are interested and ready to listen, discover and share this huge variety of research fields. For the TAGp meeting to be successfull, we ask all the speakers to be particularly careful with the clarity of their presentations.
Confirmed speakers
1) Ronald Melki, Conformational diseases (e.g. Alzheimer) (Paris)
2) Gisou van der Goot, pore forming toxins (Lausanne)
3) Sylvie Ricard-Blum, interactomes (Lyon)
4) Christine Brun, interactomes (Aix-Marseille)
5) Attila Gursoy, Protein interaction predictions (Istanbul)
6) Frederique Lisacek, software and database development for proteomics (Geneva)
7) Kavé Salamatian, manifold learning and protein oligomers (Annecy le Vieux)
8) Matteo Dal Peraro, swarm intelligence heuristic methods (Lausanne)
9) Phanourios Tamamis, Compstatin and human C3 interactions (Cyprus)
There are no inscription fees for this conference. However, we need to know the number of participants, so please register in the appropriate form not after Monday, the 26 of November 2012. Let us know in advance if you need to cancel your registration.
Lunches are offered by the Federation of research Fre 2914 (MSIF).
Monday evening we will have dinner at a typical Annecy restaurant (offered to the speakers only).
Call for presentation
If interested to present your work (PhD and post doc only), please submit a short CV and a summary of your research interest (one page CV + research interest), to or go to "Appel a communication" to submit.
The selected candidates will be awarded a fellowship to help covering their expenses.
The conference language is english
The organizers
Giovanni Feverati, Claire Lesieur, Laurent Vuillon, Virginie Malaval