S3 Focal Plane Detection Workshop

Amphithéatre M. Grünenwald (IPHC Strasbourg)

Amphithéatre M. Grünenwald

IPHC Strasbourg

23 rue du Loess 67037 Strasbourg cedex 2
Benoit Gall (IPHC Strasbourg), François Le Blanc (IPHC Strasbourg), Olivier Dorvaux (IPHC Strasbourg), catherine berger (IPHC)
This workshop will close the pre-project description phase (APS) and open the detailed project description (APD) phase of S3 focal plane detection. This phase will be directly followed by construction phase. After a presentation of the present status and latest developments of the project, APD Tasks and corresponding project timeline will be presented and discussed. Collaboration discussion will cover from major technical choices and options to day-one experiments and collaboration policy.
One of the major issue of the workshop will be the preparation of the S3 FP detection ANR request. Last afternoon will be dedicated to the definition of this request contour, mainlines and management. 
A acronym for S3 Focal Plane Detection will also be elected on the basis of the collaboration members proposal.
Follow this link for the registration form
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Hotels in Strabourg
