
[IP2I Seminar] Particle Phenomenology - Abhishek M. Iyer: A Multi-Meson Door into Compositeness

Dirac/RdC-Amphithéâtre (IP2I)




We consider the prospect of the SM as a composite of a new fundamental fermionic sector ($q_{TC}$). Such scenarios can be considered as QCD-like, where the hadronization scale  $\Lambda_{TC}\sim$ few TeV. The study of $q\bar q\rightarrow q_{TC}\bar q_{TC} $ at 100 TeV at FCC-hh has a direct analogue to the study of $e^+e^-\rightarrow q\bar q$ at around few GeV at LEP. While the latter considered the production of few-pion final states formed due to the fragmentation and eventual hadronization of the SM quarks, we will consider the production of few scalars (TC-mesons) that are formed out of the new quarks $q_{TC}$. In its simplest manifestation, these scalars are identified as the Higgs and the longitudinal components of the gauge bosons. The resulting multi-TC-meson final state is an artefact of the underlying QCD-like dynamics. Using the Lund string model for producing these TC mesons, we use simple kinematic discriminants to establish a proof of concept for such an analysis to be a near undisputed sign of compositeness and, hence, a need for FCC-hh.