Séminaires des stagiaires [2/2]
lundi 24 juin 2024 -
lundi 24 juin 2024
PEPITES: an Ultra-thin monitor for charged particle beams
Sara Boumaiza
PEPITES: an Ultra-thin monitor for charged particle beams
Sara Boumaiza
14:00 - 14:20
Room: Salle de Conference
Characterizing charm hadronization processes at large Bjorken-x with LHCb
Juliette Authier
Characterizing charm hadronization processes at large Bjorken-x with LHCb
Juliette Authier
14:20 - 14:40
Room: Salle de Conference
Measurement of secondary electron emission rates from ultrathin gold foil bombarded by protons at intermediate energies for the development of PEPITES, an ultra-thin beam monitor for hadrontherapy
Tingzhen Xiao
Measurement of secondary electron emission rates from ultrathin gold foil bombarded by protons at intermediate energies for the development of PEPITES, an ultra-thin beam monitor for hadrontherapy
Tingzhen Xiao
14:40 - 15:00
Room: Salle de Conference
Improving Higgs self coupling measurement at HL-LHC and FCC
Bastien Voirin
Improving Higgs self coupling measurement at HL-LHC and FCC
Bastien Voirin
15:00 - 15:20
Room: Salle de Conference
From photo-multipliers to the matter anti-matter asymmetry
Nicolas Lemaire
From photo-multipliers to the matter anti-matter asymmetry
Nicolas Lemaire
15:20 - 15:40
Room: Salle de Conference