OSSR paper writing
vendredi 15 sept. 2023, 11:00
Zoom meeting:
Previous discussion
Notes on who and what:
Acronyms -> KG - Done
Policy - Acceptance -> JS; be inclusive - Done
software vs. repository (bunch of notebooks)
domain-specific or developed in the domain: software and middleware
Services (software archive) -> TV - Done
Onboarding procedure -> JS - Done
Relation to other repository (ASCL, RSD) -> MK --
differences - orthogonality
Aim of OSSR and paper, refine -> TV -- done in the answer to reviewer
Evaluation of platform -> KG (done?!)
government -> KG: done
technical question, tools -> TV - check if answers all reviewer's comments
Phrase the answers to the reviews -> TV/KG
restructuring -> open letter
Add changes here:
JS will add changes to google doc, TS made changes in introductory part
TS started to write answer to reviewer
next meeting mid-September: 15/9, 11 am
Further steps
To clarify: Reference to project evaluation @ESCAPE (ask Kay)
Thomas: finalizing paper until next week, sending around for final comments
next monthly meeting: final check & sending back to reviewers
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