- Gareth Hughes (GH), Jutta Schnabel (JS), Kay Graf (KG), Matthias Füßling (MF), Thomas Vuillaume (TV)
Reports from the task areas:
- Policy and Organisation:
- Onboarding:
- How to incentivise? Topic for collaboration meeting?
- create Outreach Talk: why and how to do the onboarding - to spread to ESFRIs
- Technical:
- OSSR and RSD discussions (three meetings so far)
- metadata crosswalks (CodeMeta + RSD MetaData)
- interface strategy (push or pull)
- eOSSR issues with Zenodo upgrade - on-hold (API is down atm)
- OSSR paper
- v2 ready to be submitted
- reply editing session last Friday, should be finalised
Preparation of Collaboration Meeting
- Page of event:
- registration: last day for on-site participation, online until 16/11
- Final list of participants (last chance to register for on-site participation)
- Policy & Strategy:
- Thursday:
- Introduction - ESCAPE Collaboration
- RSD - as front page of OSSR: opt-in modell, push & pull approach
- Onboarding: who to incentivise
- Friday:
- OSCARS, EVERSE introduction
- Gathering of interests and needs of ESFRIs (along task areas - provide guiding questions before)
- alignment with OSCARS calls
- alignment with EVERSE tasks
- Technial Discussions:
- Zenodo Update
- Hackaton:
- Onboarding Workflow
- issue & MR closing on eOSSR library
- Onboarding:
- onboarding tasks (send request out before)
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