First ESCAPE Open Collaboration Meeting - July 2023



Online event on Zoom

The first ESCAPE Open Collaboration Meeting will take place online on 7 July 2023.


After the end of the ESCAPE project, funded by the H2020 grant, the cluster's partner Research Infrastructures have signed the ESCAPE Open Collaboration Agreement, starting in January 2023. 

This first meeting will highlight the achievements of the H2020 ESCAPE project to foster Open Science and data-intensive research, identify the next challenges for our scientific community, and provide an outlook on the current actions and future objectives within the framework of the ESCAPE Open Collaboration of Research Infrastructures in Astronomy, Particle and Nuclear Physics.

Date: 7 July 2023

Venue: Online

Remote connection: Zoom
Find the link on this page.

Please make sure to execute the plug-in before connecting to the Zoom session.

Registration deadline: 3 July 2023

Who should attend?

  • Morning open collaboration meeting: The morning session will be open to anyone interested in the ESCAPE Open Collaboration: Astrophysics, Particle and Nuclear Physics scientific community members and all those interested in the ESCAPE services and in EOSC overall... 
  • Afternoon closed meeting: The afternoon session will be a closed session open EXCLUSIVELY to the representatives of the partner RIs and to the ESCAPE Executive Board.


The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures (H2020-ESCAPE) brings together the astronomy, astroparticle and particle physics communities. With this, ESCAPE puts together a cluster with ESFRI projects with aligned challenges of data-driven research, with demonstrated capabilities in addressing various stages of data workflow and concerned with fundamental research through complementary approaches.

The ESCAPE Open Collaboration consolidates their cross-border action for the benefit of Open Science, the implementation of the EOSC and the establishment of new sustainable cooperative schemes within Horizon Europe for the benefit of the European Strategy for data and excellence science.


ESCAPE - The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement n° 824064.