1.Using local homemade PNJL model to study the phase diagram of matter 2. Beam Energy scan dependance of elliptic and triangular flow of identified hadrons in the STAR experiment and the EPOS model
jeudi 25 avril 2019 -
lundi 22 avril 2019
mardi 23 avril 2019
mercredi 24 avril 2019
jeudi 25 avril 2019
Using local homemade PNJL model to study the phase diagram of matter
David Fuseau
Using local homemade PNJL model to study the phase diagram of matter
David Fuseau
14:00 - 14:30
Room: Amphi Galois
We present a study of the phase diagram of matter using an upgraded version of the PNJL model made in Subatech. Interest and construction of NJL type models are introduced. The way we developped our upgrades of the standard PNJL is explained and results of our equation of state of matter at finite temperature and chemical potential matching at the same time lattice QCD and perturbative QCD, considered in the domain as references in their respective domain of validity, are shown. From the equation of state, the phase diagram of matter is calculated and especially the location of the Critical End Point and the 1st order transition line separating nuclear matter from Quark Gluon Plasma matter, the phase where quarks and gluons are not anymore confined into protons-like particles.
Beam Energy scan dependance of elliptic and triangular flow of identified hadrons in the STAR experiment and the EPOS model
Maria Stefaniak
Beam Energy scan dependance of elliptic and triangular flow of identified hadrons in the STAR experiment and the EPOS model
Maria Stefaniak
14:30 - 15:00
Room: Amphi Galois
The azimuthal anisotropy in particle emission in the transverse plane, known as anisotropic flow, is used to study the properties of strongly interacting hot and dense medium created in heavy ion collisions. Anisotropic flow coefficients are the key observables which reflect the viscous hydrodynamic response to the initial spatial anisotropy, produced in the early stages of the collision. In previous studies [1] performed by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) the increase of the elliptic flow (v2) difference between particles and antiparticles at the lower collision energies has been observed. In this talk, we will present the STAR measurement of the two- and four-particle flow correlations for identified particles as a function of centrality, transfers momentum and beam energy. Our measurements will be compared with the EPOS model simulations as well, that will help in better understanding the sources of the proton-antiproton elliptic flow difference. References : [1] STAR Collaboration: Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 14902