E. Bonnet(1), V. De-La-Mota(1)
(1) Subatech UMR 6457 (IMT atlantique, Université de Nantes, IN2P3/CNRS)
Investigating the production of clusters (nucleons ended together) produced in heavy ion collisions (HIC) helps to understand the dynamics in nuclear collision, constraining both equation of state (EOS) of non-homogeneous nuclear matter and the correlation treatment in transport models.[1] When the central collisions happen between the heavy nuclei, in the early state, a hot nuclei is formed by the projectile and the target, which is a compressed and excited system. Depending on the incident energies, the evolution of the nuclei could be different. When the energies come to the regime of Fermi energy, the multifragmentation will dominate. The products of the collision could be fragments, light particles and nucleons, depending on the incident energy of projectile, the mass of the system and the impact parameter. Then the clusters built by these products could be different.
Systematic analysis of the system Xe + Sn collisions is based on the data collected with 4π apparatus INDRA in GANIL for different beam energies: 12 MeV/A, 18 MeV/A, 25 MeV/A, 32 MeV/A and 45 MeV/A. To estimate the fragmentation degree of the collision system, the charge of the biggest fragment (Zmax) is chosen as the straight forward observable. Beside, multiplicity and the mass fraction of the fragments are the observables for the analysis.
[1] BONNET, E. Evolution of cluster production with fragmentation degree.