To introduce a new class of interacting vacuum dark energy models and present the first observational constraints on them.
➡ This is motivated by the coincidence problem (relaxed in dynamical dark energy models) and the presence of cosmological tensions (can potentially be resolved in dynamical or interacting models).
Introduce an energy exchange $Q$ at the level of the conservation equations, \begin{align} \dot{V} &= Q, \\ \dot{\rho} + 3H\rho &= -Q. \end{align}
Covariant formalism ✅
Linear perturbations ✅
The cosmological behaviour of every interacting vacuum model thus boils down to the choice made for the coupling term $Q$. Is there a physically well-motivated choice?
The Shan–Chen equation of state comes from lattice kinetic theory (Shan & Chen 1993), \begin{align} P &= w \rho_* \left[\frac{\rho}{\rho_*} + \frac{g}{2} (1 - e^{- \alpha \frac{\rho}{\rho_*}})^2\right], \end{align}
where $P$ is the pressure and $\rho$ is the energy density of the fluid, $\rho_*$ is a characteristic energy scale and $g$ and $\alpha$ are free (dimensionless) parameters of the model.
➡ Phase transitions between two states naturally arise in fluids with this equation of state.
This was introduced to cosmology by Bini et al. in three works:
Example behaviour of a cosmological fluid with the Shan–Chen equation of state: three possible scenarios.
Inspired by the Shan–Chen equation of state, we set
\begin{equation} Q = \dot{V} =-3H q\left[(1+\beta)V+ \frac{\beta g}{2} \rho_* \left(1 - e^{- \alpha \frac{V}{\rho_*}}\right)^2\right], \end{equation}where $q$ is the coupling strength of the interaction and $\beta$ is a renaming of $w$ since we are no longer dealing with a true equation of state.
and CosmoMC
and perform an MCMC analysis to constrain the free parameters of the model: $q$, $\beta$ and the cosmological parametersIn all of these cases, $\beta = 1/3$.
In all of these cases (except $\Lambda$CDM), $q=-0.1$.
Shan–Chen interacting vacuum cosmology, N. B. Hogg and M. Bruni, MNRAS 511 3 2022, 2109.08676
🐦 @astronat
The energy–momentum tensors of the vacuum and cold dark matter are
\begin{align} \check{T}^\mu_\nu &= -V g^\mu_\nu, \\ T^\mu_\nu &= P g^\mu_\nu + (\rho + P)\, u^\mu u_\nu, \end{align}where $V$ is the energy density of the vacuum, $P$ is the pressure of the cold dark matter and $\rho$ its energy density.
The coupling between the two is introduced as
\begin{align} \nabla_\mu \check{T}^\mu_\nu &= -\nabla_\nu V = Q_\nu, \\ \nabla_\mu T^\mu_\nu &= - Q_\nu. \end{align}We project the energy–momentum flow 4-vector in two parts, one parallel and one orthogonal to the cold dark matter 4-velocity,
\begin{align} Q^\mu &= Q u^\mu + f^\mu, \end{align}where $Q=-Q_\mu u^\mu$ represents the energy exchange and $f^\mu$ the momentum exchange between cold dark matter and the vacuum in the frame comoving with CDM, and $f_\mu u^\mu=0$.
Impose geodesic condition: $f^\mu = 0$, so that cold dark matter remains geodesic (no momentum transfer).
With linear scalar perturbations about the FLRW background the line element is \begin{align} ds^2 &= -(1+2\phi)dt^2 + 2a\partial_i B dx^i dt \\ &+ a^2[(1-2\psi)\delta_{ij} +2 \partial_i \partial_j E] dx^i dx^j. \end{align}
The perturbed energy conservation equations are (D. Wands et al., 2012) \begin{align} &\delta \dot{\rho}_c + 3H \delta \rho -3 \rho_c \dot{\psi} + \rho_c \frac{\nabla^2}{a^2}(\theta + a^2\dot{E} -aB) = \delta Q - Q \phi, \\ &\delta \dot{V} = \delta Q + Q \phi, \end{align} and the perturbed momentum conservation equations are \begin{align} &\dot{\theta} + \phi = 0, \\ &\delta V = -Q \theta. \end{align}
Choose the synchronous comoving gauge, $\phi = v = B = 0$. Since \begin{align} \theta &= a(v + B), \\ -\delta V &= Q\theta,\\ \delta V &=0, \end{align} hence the vacuum is spatially homogeneous in this gauge.
Furthermore, since \begin{align} \phi &=0, \\ \delta \dot{V} &= \delta Q +Q \phi,\\ \delta Q &= 0, \end{align} the interaction is also spatially homogeneous in this gauge.
This means that the perturbed energy conservation equation reduces to the $\Lambda$CDM case, \begin{align} \delta \dot{\rho}_c + 3H\delta \rho_c - 3\rho_c \dot{\psi} + \rho_c \nabla^2 \dot{E} &=0. \end{align}
The background thus remains unperturbed in the synchronous comoving gauge (as used in CAMB
), but the interaction term $Q$ does enter the evolution equation for the CDM density contrast,
This implies that structure growth will still be affected even though the coupling does not explicitly appear in the perturbation equations.
We can write down an effective equation of state for the interacting model,
\begin{equation} w_{\mathrm{int}} = q(1+\beta) + \frac{q\beta g}{2x} \left(1- e^{-\alpha x}\right)^2 -1, \end{equation}where $x = V/\rho_*$, so that $Q = -3HV(1+w_{\rm int})$.
Case | $\chi^2$ | $\Delta \chi^2$ |
Ia ($\Lambda$CDM) | $3831.38$ | $0.0$ |
Ib | $3831.87$ | $0.49$ |
Ic | $3831.90$ | $0.52$ |
Id | $3831.98$ | $0.60$ |
IIa | $3833.95$ | $2.57$ |
IIb | $3832.76$ | $1.38$ |
III | $3832.20$ | $0.82$ |