GDR Inf-F coordinators renewal
mercredi 29 septembre 2021 -
lundi 27 septembre 2021
mardi 28 septembre 2021
mercredi 29 septembre 2021
Discussion on coordinators renewal
Discussion on coordinators renewal
10:00 - 10:20
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Proposal for renewal Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 17:23:00 +0200 From: Aoife Bharucha <aoife.bharucha@CPT.UNIV-MRS.FR> Reply-To: Aoife Bharucha <aoife.bharucha@CPT.UNIV-MRS.FR> To: GDR-INTENSITYFRONTIER-L@IN2P3.FR Dear all, The procedure for the renewal of the GDR-InF has started, and we have been asked to provide a document to IN2P3 by mid-May. A first version has been drafted with the help of the conveners, and we would like to thank them for their help. The document is now open for your comments until 10th May. Note that we might have overlooked activities or work that you consider important to mention, so please read the document carefully and give us your feedback! You can either add a comment directly on overleaf, or by replying by email. Suggestions of sentences would be even more useful than generic comments. The document will be signed by permanent physicists, because the GDR is a 5 year program. However we would like to add an appendix with the full list of members of the GDR-InF, including current students and postdocs. The list of authors and members for the list in the appendix will be taken care of by the Conseil de groupement, and will be circulated at a later stage. Finally, nominations and self-nominations for the two future coordinators of the GDR-InF, one theorist and one experimentalists, are open. Please send the names to any of the members of the Conseil de groupement by 21st May. They will make the final selection. The list of the members of the Conseil de groupement, with their email addresses, is provided in the Contacts section of the website Thanks for your help in this important step of ensuring a second cycle of the GDR Intensity Frontier. All our best wishes, Francesco and Aoife