Corsika on Dirac
- WP3 would like to integrate this project in ESAP
- should be added to a common list of issues, will be added in common Gitlab project
- Currently the main approach would be to integrate information from Zenodo REST-API
- requirements for this project should be made clear inside WP5, alongside other use cases
- a coordination meeting on Dirac will be organized in WP5, WP3 members will be invited
Collection of use cases
- centrally collected use cases will be addressed in tech meeting in two weeks
- use cases between WP3+WP5 should integrate into this collection
Metadata for interoperability
- proposal of task group to address metadata details
- interested to participate: Stelios, Enrique, Susana, (Aard)
- could use HCG-16 study as use case (link to onboarding talk)
- Binder could serve as example for service
- poll for first meeting here (17-24th March)
Next meeting
- mid-April, 19-23rd, poll for date here.
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