Updates from working groups
Note: for writing access to the WP3+WP5 project, and login through EduGain does not work, contact garcia@lapp.in2p3.fr or vuillaume@lapp.in2p3.fr
General updates
- Deliverable 3.7. on metadata & licensing has been finalized (final version available here)
- next step is to define metadata for workflow
- Working group: ESAP discover workflows and data → Jupyter hub & notebooks
- how to expand codemeta, how consume as clients are current questions
- use case definitions are going on, on wiki, start template, how to use it further is discussed
Task 3.4 "Innovations" workflows
- Call with Zheng, Virgo in ESAP with data to add for innovative workflows
Identified issues
Metadata location and content: Report from Deliverable 3.7 discussion
Providing and accessing containers
- Onboarding procedure for containers will be picked up from some example projects
- integration of containers in ESAP needs to be focused on
Common collection of use cases
- Should be picked up and expanded
Dealing with complex workflows
- Unclear if and how complex workflows should be onboarded in OSSR
- Need to clarify: what will science platform integrate?
- Which repositories are implemented how: Jupyter repository? Container repository? Software repository?
- An example will be looked at during WP3 Onboarding on 19th February
Next meetings
- Next common meeting: beginning March
- Presentation from Task 3.3 (Corsika on Dirac)
- Update on Licensing and accesses to OSSR
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