Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*
One tap mobile
+31202410288,,97308347310# Netherlands
+31207940854,,97308347310# Netherlands
ASTRON: Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Michiel van Haarlem
CNRS-LAPP: Marie Parturel, Dominique Boutigny
CSIC: Susana Sanchez
CTAO: Gareth Hughes
EGO: Pierre Chanial
FAIR: Raffaele Grosso
FAU: Jutta Schnabel
IFAE: Jordi Delgado
INAF: Sara Bertocco, Stefano Alberto Russo
JIVE: Harro Verkouter
Nikhef: Valentin Pestel
RUG: Maisam M. Dadkan
Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
Overview of meetings:
Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.
* Organised WP5 Progress Meeting on 26-27 October
* Lots of partners presented their work during the meeting, 45 registrations, on average 30 people online through our the whole meeting.
* Submitted M5.3 Initial science platform with data discovery and staging
* Follow-up meetings:
- WP3 + WP5 call on 20 Nov
- AAI workshop on 25-26 Nov
- 27 Nov ESCAPE Mid-term review
DIRAC Focus Group:
Presentation(s) in the Focus progress meeting. Planning a followup meeting this/next week.
Collected a set of use cases from CTA and other experiments on the use of a work load management system.
Progressing with the WP3+5 cross-over meetings, with the aim of providing CORSIKA containers on the ESAP
WP3 Coordination
Providing Jupyter workflows & access
Date: 15 February 2021
1-day workshop
All ESFRIs and ESCAPE partners are invited