Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
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Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*
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+31202410288,,97308347310# Netherlands
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ASTRON: Michiel van Haarlem, Zheng Meyer-Zhao, Christine Werkhoven, Yan Grange
CERN: Xavier Espinal
CSIC: Susana Sanchez, Jose Ramon
CTAO: Gareth Hughes
FAU: Jutta Schnabel
INAF: Stefano Alberto Russo
IFAE: Jordi Delgado
JIVE: Mark Kettenis
OU: Hugh Dickenson
RUG: Maisam Mohammadi-Dadkan
SKAO: Rosie Bolton
UCM: Daniel Nieto, Jose Luis Contreras
UEDIN: Stelios Voutsinas
Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
Overview of meetings:
Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.
For the current prototype platform development (code base) go to:
Back end:
Overview Milestones
Overview Deliverables
The aim of this document is to illustrate a simple solution for a user to perform an analysis using data existing in the DataLake.
This PoC would exploit both JupiterNotebooks and RUCIO functionalities.
The final goal is to allow a user to work on data without necessarily acquiring RUCIO knowledge.
This will be achieved by designing, developing, and deploying a JupiterLab UI extension that allows the user to discover data and make them accessible through/on the notebook environment.
Overall architecture
User Perspective
Users can exploit the “explore” functionality to look up for datasets, files or DIDs using wildcards.
Once the desired file is found, the user can either download it locally on the notebook.
Users should be authenticated on the JupyterLab level and a Token should be fetched for them from IAM-ESCAPE.
This Token will then be delegated to RUCIO and the actual storage sites to authorize them to fetch the files.
In order to have a quickly deployed PoC the proposal is
To have users authenticated only at JupyterLab level.
Then, access to the storage will be performed using a shared service/robot x509 certificate and shared Rucio Service Account user credentials.
Deployment and Configuration
A recent JupyterLab version with the ‘Extension’ should be packaged in a single docker container.
Then, each science can deploy this container or there could be a central deployment coming from WP5.
The only extra configuration required by the admins of the JupyterLab should be to place a shared X509 grid certificate under the correct path and make sure the extension is pointing to the correct ESCAPE Rucio instance.
Proposed action plan to get started with the activity
Develop the “EXTENSION” and make sure it has the functionality needed (Our GSOC Student has already started working on it)
Identify a place where a dockerized service could be run
Deploy the JupyterLab instance
Generate a grid robot certificate to be used by the service to authenticate with Rucio and Sites
Add the grid robot certificate on IAM-ESCAPE
Place the certificate inside the running container (mounted volume/ Kubernetes secret)
Do some configuration changes on the JupyterLab instance
Access it through a web browser and try it out
Progress already made
Our GSOC Student, Muhammad Aditya Hilmy ( has already made significant progress in the development of the Rucio extension for Jupyter lab.
You can find his repository here
He also keeps a Journal of the progress and various issues he faces here
Right now there are two versions of the extension more or less working. One of them downloads the files to the local filesystem of the Notebook and the other one stages the files to a fuse mounted RSE.
There are various issues still to be fixed for the
Discovery of the files using wildcards
Authentication mechanism
Configuration of the extension
But overall a satisfactory proof of concept can already be achieved.
Following are some pictures from the Jupyter lab instance we got by simply running the following command. The data seen there are coming from the ESCAPE Datalake
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -e RUCIO_MODE=download -e RUCIO_BASE_URL= -e RUCIO_AUTH_URL= -e RUCIO_DISPLAY_NAME=ESCAPE -e RUCIO_NAME=ESCAPE -e RUCIO_CA_CERT=/home/jovyan/certs/rucio_ca/ca.pem -v /home/frouk/work/secrets/test_jupyter:/home/jovyan/certs/rucio_ca -v /home/frouk/work/secrets/test_jupyter/x509up:/tmpm/x509up_u1000 didithilmy/rucio-jupyterlab:latest
No dedicated WP5 activity, but preparation of software workshop WOSSL in WP3 beginning this week (indico event - still open for registration).
Our recent activity in WP5 has been in the busy-months:
Start: 30 June - End: September
More info about this event is on:
26-30 October we will discuss Focus Months developments and presentations will be given by working groups
Working group UI & IVOA
Coordinator: Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON)
Google doc:
ESAP & VO Integration
Service description
Use case description
UI design and implementation
Backend implementation
Working group updates:
Every Monday 14:00 – 14:30 CEST
ESCAPE WP5 Virtual Office (sococo)
Working group Interactive Analysis
Coordinator: Stelios Voutsinas (UEDIN)
Google doc:
ESAP & Analysis Interface Integration
Rosetta (developed by INAF)
User Profile:
List of compute resources
List of software repositories
Data shopping cart
Working group updates:
Every Monday 13:30 – 14:00 CEST
ESCAPE WP5 Virtual Office (sococo)
Working group Rucio
Coordinator: Yan Grange (ASTRON)
First kick-off meeting today
Redirect user to Rucio Web UI from ESAP
Intergrate ESAP with Rucio REST API
Start Rucio client in Analysis Interface
Working closely with WP2 (including AAI related topics)
Working group updates:
Every (?) Monday 15:00 – 15:30 CEST
ESCAPE WP5 Virtual Office (sococo)
Working group Batch Processing
Coordinator: Sara Bertocco (INAF)
Working group plan and updates:
Yet to be decided
Working group DIRAC
Coordinator: Matthias Fuessling (CTA)
Working group plan and updates:
Yet to be decided
Tech Talks are scheduled every first and third Monday of the month @4PM CEST/CET
Please schedule your talk via the doodle poll:
Partners still to be scheduled from September 2020:
CSIC: will schedule a tech talk when prototype is ready
Discussion about using Rocketchat or Sococo for the Focus Months. Both platforms are being used.
In Rocketchat the working groups are working in channels (which were private - now made public).
Pro: You can read what has been going on in the written chats and prepare detailed answers, questions.
Sococo is the online workplace where distributed teams come to work together. You can see everyone working online and 'knock' on their door to talk (or chat/zoom).
- If you want to join Sococo send a request to Yan or Zheng.
Pro: It works like a physical office, you can ask a quick question. See who is working in on which topic or have a coffee.
Con: it only works in chrome browser or IE.
At 4PM there will be a Tech Talk given by Zheng Meyer & Nico Vermaas (ASTRON) more info available at
Note: The Meeting ID for the tech talk is not the same anymore as for the monthly meeting ID
Meeting ID: 943 2634 9405
Meeting Password: Will be provided via email*.