WP5 monthly meeting 22 June meeting 2020
lundi 22 juin 2020 -
lundi 22 juin 2020
1. Roll call
1. Roll call
11:00 - 11:03
2. Last meeting minutes
2. Last meeting minutes
11:03 - 11:05
Minutes of last meeting can be found at the previous meeting. Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/
3. Announcements, news and general updates
3. Announcements, news and general updates
11:05 - 11:15
Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this. Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP. If you are unable to add the information please send it to werkhoven@astron.nl. We will then add it for you. For the current prototype platform development (code base) go to: Back end: https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/esap-gateway ESAP GUI: https://git.astron.nl/vermaas/adex-gui Please note that, these are under development, a stable version will be announced on 30th of June.
4. Focus Months (formerly known as Busy week)
4. Focus Months (formerly known as Busy week)
11:15 - 11:25
Change of format -> change of name Start: 30 June - End: September We want to invite more developers from WP5 to join the code base introduction meeting and form ESAP service (e.g. Data query, Rucio, Jupyter Notebook on clusters) working groups. The goal of these working groups will be to coordinate similar works done by WP5 partners and integrate with ESAP API Gateway. More info and registration is on: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/21650/ The first code base introduction is planned on 30 June 13:00-16:00. This will be repeated 2-3 times for people who cannot make to the first one. A doodle poll will be sent out to vote for the next code base introduction. Suggetions are welcome: Tools for communication method of code development and review
5. News items
5. News items
11:25 - 11:35
ESAP services / technology - Frontend: React, React Bootstrap - Backend: Django, Django REST Framework Partner input for 18 months report - Needs input from partners for WP5 18 months report to the EC. - Partners will get an email to provide input. INFRA-EOSC03: EXPAND proposal - ESCAPE got 2.2 M out of 40 M budget for implementing Science Use cases using ESAP - 3 TSPs (Test Science Projects): Dark Matter, Gravitational Waves, FRBs - Start from January 2021 for 30 months
6. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance & F2F meeting : 26-30 October @ Virtual meeting
6. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance & F2F meeting : 26-30 October @ Virtual meeting
11:35 - 11:45
- Let's keep the dates - Maybe change it to 2-3 days format - Presentations from working groups during the focus months
7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics
7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics
11:45 - 11:50
8. Round table
8. Round table
11:50 - 11:55
9. Next meeting - Monday 20 July 11:00 CEST
9. Next meeting - Monday 20 July 11:00 CEST
11:55 - 12:00
Today at 4PM there will be the Tech Talk - Rosetta: a container-centric science platform by Stefano A. Russo (INAF) more info about the topics: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/20642/