ESCAPE QoS fortnightly meeting


Minutes for 2020-06-24 T2.2 meeting


Aleem Sarwar

Paul Millar

Frederic Gillardo

Nadine Neyroud

Berkay Turk

Marcelo Soares

Rohini Joshi

Marek Szuba

Kilian Schwarz




  • News

  • Round table


Marek: tried Aleem’s demo, so far so good. Began expanding into a larger FAIR QoS demo but have run into some issues.
Some of them are listed on Jira. If not listed it’s good to mention.

Paul: Priority feature in Jira?
Rohini: They are labeled and can be found under “EDLK”

Round table
Streams info can be found at:

Stream A: prototyping and demonstration

Running LOFAR use-case

Nothing important to report.
Aleem: Pandey is busy in some talks and they are working to describe the pipeline in a more structured way. 

Aleem: I searched for Sara compute resources (National Compute facility) but it seems it’s mostly for their research and Univ fellows. But pandey will check and confirm in next or week after.

Stream B: engagement with experiments

CTA (Frederic+Nadine)

Link to Google Doc

Level 1 data is not archived because of cost reasons.
Level 0 data is processed once a year. The reason is to have a better algorithm in future.

Small change required in workflow diagram.

FAIR (Marek)

Unlikely that we will have complete use cases ready for the first draft, both PANDA and laser-physics people are extremely busy now. Will still try to get work-flow information from CBM, they haven’t responded yet.

Stream C: software developments

No Update.

The next meeting will be on 2020-07-08 at 2PM CEST.


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