Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
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Meeting ID: 799 943 1526
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ASTRON: Zheng Meyer, Christine Werkhoven, Michiel van Haarlem
CERN: Aristeidis Fkiaras, Riccardo Di Maria, Rizart Dona
CSIC: Susana Sanchez, Javier Moldon
CTAO: Matthias Fuessling
EGO: -
FAU: Jutta Schnabel
IFAE: Jordi Delgado Mengual
JIVE: Harro Verkouter
KIS: -
Nikhef: -
OU: Hugh Dickinson
RUG: Maisam Mohammadi-Dadkan
SKAO: Rosie Bolton
UCM: -
no minutes sent out - only updates on Indico
Due to Covid-19 WP5 work has delayed. The ESCAPE executive board (E-EB) has been notified and will communicate this with the EC project officer. The E-EB will claim that this is a 'force majeure' circumstance.
The EC could consider a project extension. We will notify you if this is the case.
Please let us know what your developments were the last 2 months and how the situation has affected and will affect your work.
Overview Milestones
Overview Deliverables
ASTRON has been developing the ESAP API Gateway and User Interface in the past few month. Data discovery service of ESAP has been implemented. We are now busy with adding Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure to the platform, such that we can integrate with Data Lake Infrastructure which is under development by WP2. The plan was to finish this part of the work before end of March, however, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, this process has been delayed. We expect the work will be delayed for at least 2 months, as one of ASTRON developers can only work 25% under the current circumstances. If everything goes well, we may have the busy week rescheduled in June 2020.
Google Summer of Code project, Integrating Rucio into SWAN (Jupyter Lab) notebooks:
- Long proposal submission phase is finished
- ~30 Students reached out to us, ~10 solved the evaluation tasks we provided and applied on the platform
- Waiting for results 4th of May
WP5 busy week preparation:
- Participating w.r.t Data Staging using the Rucio API
Regarding CNRS/LAPP we are still in the process to hire a data scientist to work on the deployment and assessment of the LSST science analysis platform. The job offer has been posted for 2 month but unfortunately this first round was not successful, we short-listed 4 people but 2 of them declined before the interview, 1 declined after and 1 was not selected after the interview, so I decided to repost the job offer, I don't know yet when I will make the next round of interviews.
Otherwise, a new hardware platform for the LSST Qserv database is available at CC-IN2P3, we (LAPP) are in the process to load simulated data in it in order to run some science oriented tests. Hopefully we will have first results in the coming weeks.
In WP5, CSIC is in charge of providing two different use cases to identify requirements for the ESAP and performing a continuous evaluation on how this platform facilitates the fulfillment of the FAIR principles. In the last months CSIC has been studying the technologies and tools considered to be integrated in the ESAP and how they can be used/applied to implement its use cases. CSIC would also have started to make a preliminary analysis of the ESAP Minimum Valuable Product (MVP), however the face-to-face meeting for starting the development of the MVP was delayed due to the current situation with the COVID-19.
In fact, the next tasks of CSIC depend largely on the development of the MVP. In the next stage, CSIC would test this MVP and demonstrate its functionality by deploying/ingesting the software and data related to the CSIC use cases.
Members from CSIC, as the most of the ESCAPE members, are/will be working from home during the lockdown, however some tasks will been inevitably impacted. In particular, the development of the MVP, since it requires a team cooperating closely, and the coordination to deploy/ingest software on this platform, which also needs high interaction among the participants.
We are working on the implementation of the Data Model for the GammaHub use case.
We have implemented the tables on the Apache-Hive database and we will start extracting the fields according to the data management plan from DL3 files and ingesting in the database
JIV-ERIC does not have any milestones or deliverables, yet its work on ESCAPE/WP5 has incurred delays due to the impact of working from home. Work on CWL pipeline, CASA pipeline containerization is progressing at a significantly lower speed because of the inefficiences of working from home with a family present. It seems like no milestones or deliverables are under threat of delay because of this, however an extension of the project to be able to do the work might be necessary.
We have done a bit of work getting involved with the ESAP MVP, and are ready to work with the core team as soon as the lead developers are ready. If the busy week is to be moved to September, we'd very much like to have a virtual busy week well ahead of then to make it easier to contribute over the 4 months before September.
UCM is implied in ESCAPE in WP5 and WP3. As we have reported previously the work will be carried out mainly by me and a postdoctoral researcher contracted by ESCAPE. The postdoc is D. Nieto and he was awarded the contract on Feb 17, but due to paternity leave, it effectively started on March 17. UCM closed its doors on March 11th due to the pandemic and we are in lockdown since March 16th. Despite this fact, we have tried to keep working in both WPs, but work has been slower than foreseen due to the added difficulties.
In these 3 weeks, we have started drafting plans for our work l in WP5: sharing a set of CTA data in the portal and eventually organizing activities around it. The previsions in Spain are that the lockdown will continue until at least the 26th of April and probably farther on. So we foresee that this may still drag on us for some time.
- We've developed a set of Jupyter Notebooks with examples of how to find, access and visualize Virtual Observatory data using VO tools and libraries. (Task 5.3)
- We are currently experimenting with deploying and running JupyterHub (JupyterLab) on a Kubernetes cluster on an Openstack instance.
As part of this, we are learning how to manage & authenticate users (OAuth-based), as well as how to provide the facility for users to spawn custom Docker containers, including the VO Containers mentioned above.
- We assisted in writing the Detailed project management document (not sure if this is included in the past two month window) and attended the fortnightly telecons as well as the face-to-face meetings.
- We were planning to attend the WP5 Busy week meeting (Stelios Voutsinas), and will plan to attend the meeting whenever it is rescheduled to, as well as the second busy week meeting. To make up for missing the meeting we plan on interacting with the other members, and as an initial plan we will hold an unofficial meeting (either video or text-based) to discuss progress on the JupyterHub experiments with the SKA and other WP5 members who may be interested.
The current situation mainly affected us in terms of missing the Busy Week interaction with out core members, but I think we can continue our progress regardless through remote work.
The first busy week was postponed and the participants agreed to have this event in June. Zheng will finish her task on AAI integration into ESAP before June.
Due to the covid-19 measures, the busy week will be organised via Zoom.
The dates were planned before the strict corona policy was set. For some institutes it is already clear that they will not allow travel till the end of 2020.
If travelling is allowed, we still need to see if having a F2F meeting is manageable (1.5 meter distance policy).
Before the event takes place we need to consider who should participate and if it will be possible to host this event via Zoom. We need to think clearly about the set-up of this week. A smaller group could possible gather and then be the hosts of the event online.
On hold at the moment.
There has been no contact with Pisa , but due to the circumstances this event is definitely on-hold. Details will be discussed at a later moment.
Zheng will send a doodle and wants every partner to give a tech talk about the working that has been carried out within ESCAPE WP5 and how this will/can be integrated into ESAP.