WP5 monthly meeting 16 March 2020
lundi 16 mars 2020 -
lundi 16 mars 2020
1. Roll call
1. Roll call
11:00 - 11:03
2. Last meeting minutes
2. Last meeting minutes
11:03 - 11:05
3. Announcements, news and general updates
3. Announcements, news and general updates
11:05 - 11:15
Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this. If you are not able to add the information please send the info to werkhoven@astron.nl. We will then add it for you.
4. First WP5 Busy Week - 30 March - 2 April
4. First WP5 Busy Week - 30 March - 2 April
11:15 - 11:25
Due to COVID-19 and the travel restrictions we deceided to organize this event via videoconference. More info: https://indico.in2p3.fr/e/WP5-ESAP-Busyweek_1
5. Second WP5 Busy Week May/Jul/Sep 2020
5. Second WP5 Busy Week May/Jul/Sep 2020
11:25 - 11:35
Potential dates for this event are: May 12-15 June 9-12 July 13-17 Sep 7-11 Sep 14-18 Let us know via this form: https://forms.gle/dneqmsqryt8udYL36 Options UEDIN INAF CERN
6. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance & F2F meeting : 26-30 October @ Pisa
6. Second WP5 workshop to analyze prototype performance & F2F meeting : 26-30 October @ Pisa
11:35 - 11:45
Who will be contact person in Pisa?
7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics
7. WP5 Tech meetings Topics
11:45 - 11:50
Decide on topics. Suggestions topics/speaker Matthias Fuessling: Plan speaker for 30 March 16:00-17:00 CET
8. Round table
8. Round table
11:50 - 11:55
9. Next meeting - Monday 20 April - 11:00 AM CEST
9. Next meeting - Monday 20 April - 11:00 AM CEST
11:55 - 12:00
Note: later today we will have the Tech Meeting at 16:00 CET